Lyndon's P.O.V (Part 3)

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Author's Note:Here's the last part of Lyndon's P.O.V hope you enjoy it. Thank you!

Please keep supporting this book guys. Love y'all!:D

--Edited by @ReaderBunny


The cold September air welcomed me as I close the door of the car. After the night I first decided to alter and hide information about my identity, I instructed Luke to get me a car that's not too attention grabbing but still of my taste. I tried to adjust my time also in everything including the time for work to give way for our meeting. It sound absurd but I don't mind at all. This is the first time in a long time that I felt this way. I don't even have time with the girls anymore which is very new to me. Risse and I have no sexual contact, but the way I feel everytime I'm with her is enough to calm the beast in me. Her smile, the way her eyes tell you what she's feeling, her laughter and the things that she does makes me addicted to her even more. I can't figure it out but there is something in her that I cannot explain.

"Problem at work?" I turn to my right and saw Risse. I didn't answer back and just gave her a smile instead.

"Why are you still in your office attire?"

"Sorry, I think you'll be jogging without me tonight." she smiled.


"You see, my best friend has arrived. We'll be meeting downtown."

"Can't I come and meet her? You know just to make friends?" I smirked.

"Ha! I knew you would say that! For your information mister, my best friend is not a she, but a he, so you can keep your dirty thoughts to yourself." She crossed her arms. "Unless- you feel the same way with the same gender as you." the last sentence made me cringe a bit. I was about to say something when her phone rang which she immediately excused herself.

I was too distracted at the thought of who will she be meeting. Could it be that it was the man in the picture frame?

"Okay, see you in a while Zeke. Yes, yes, it's alright. I'll just grab a taxi. Bye."

"I need to go Raven. Don't overwork yourself okay?"

She hailed a cab and went away leaving me standing on the streetside in front of her building. So much of hurrying up and getting excited all just for nothing. I decided to just go home and do my workout at my place since my mood was gone.

My sweat keep falling on the wooden floor as i do hanging leg raises using the pull bar. I need something to distract my thoughts specifically the one that involves Risse having dinner with a guy who makes her laugh, someone who knows her well, someone she's comfortable with that her eyes are filled with excitement the moment she saw he's calling her.

"Focus Lyndon, focus."

The thought doesn't sit with me very well. After thousand crunches, I decided to stop and take a shower. The sprinkle of water from the shower head kept falling to my head as a series of thoughts pass through my mind. Have I made myself too friendly with her that she doesn't see the potential of being with me? Did I make the right decision to go slow with her? I'm starting to doubt myself which in my twenty eight years of existence didn't happen.

After changing into my pajama, I climbed my bed and let my tired body take its toll and let sleep take me away.

"Lyndon, Lyndon, darling, wake up." the soft voice of my mother rang on my ears as she woke me up by lightly tapping my face. She unbuckled my seatbelt and adjusted my head. I opened my eyes and saw her long beautiful black hair flowing at her back. Her face is hidden from my view as she reached something at the front seat. We have travelled very far. My mother asked me to come with her to visit one of her friends. My father was in a business meeting and he hasn't been home for four nights. He said he'll be coming back when the moon is big and full. He said he'll be buying me anything I want when he returns only if I stay a good boy.

My mother introduced me to an old lady who's pretty. Her hair is in buns and she's wearing glasses. The woman kneel in front of me and pinched my cheeks. The pretty old woman let us in her house is simpler than our own house but is much cozier. Aside from that, books can be found everywhere. While looking around, I saw a glass door that opens to a pathway to what seems like a magical garden filled with colorful flowers and different insects were flying from one flower to another. The woman excused herself to prepare some food. As soon as she left, I pulled my mother's sleeves causing my mother to look in my direction. I pointed the glass door and pleading at her so I could go there.

"Just be careful and don't go far."

I slid the glass door and was immediately captivated with the scene around me. It looked as if it came straight from the book my mother was reading to me the other night. The summer air is not that hot but not that cold either. The smell of wet soil and flowers are pleasing to me. Big square of stones are placed on the lawn floor while bushes of flowers were lining up the sides of the pathway. The leaves and the flowers are glistening with water a sign that someone may have watered them. A dragonfly was flying in front of me so I raised my hand and tried to grab it but to no avail it just flew higher and away from me. I ran and jump once in awhile to catch it and laugh when I didn't catch it.

I saw a white swing shaded by a big tree with flowers more beautiful than those found near the door. As I go nearer I saw that I wasn't the only one around the garden. A child around the same age as me was sleeping with a book on her lap. She looks like an angel and next thing I know I was about to touch her face to see if she's real.

A black smoke filled my surroundings. I can't breathe. The smell of something burning filled my nostrils. My head is hurting. I want to shout so badly but no sound came out. I tried to move my body but I can't. My head is starting to get numb and my eyesight started to get blurry as I succumb to darkness.

I have woken from a nightmare. A nightmare that kept haunting me ever since I'm just a little boy. I've been under a lot of therapy ever since I was young and no one could ever give me the reason why it keeps recurring. No one can explain the meaning of all of it. Even father could not explain it to me. At first I thought it really did happen but everyone around me said it was just a product of my imagination making me look like a fool every time I ask about it. As time goes on I just decided to forget about it and move on. It gradually stopped and had been a few years ever since I dreamt about it, But now...I wonder what could have trigger for me to dream about it after all this time of not visiting that scary place. Tonight is the same as before. Nothing has changed. My body is trembling and my face is wet from the tears that have fell down my cheeks. I can't do anything to stop what's happening to my body so I just let it come to me and engulf me for a moment until my body decides that it is enough. The same thought bugs me every time this happen. Who is that girl?  


Thanks for reading!

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see you in the next chapter guys. I'll try to upload soon:)

Please be patient with me.



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