Lyndon's P.O.V (Part 2)

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Author's NOTE: Hi guys! I would like to thank you all for your support. If you're reading this, it means that you have given a portion of your precious time just to read my story and I'm thankful for that:-). I hope you enjoy reading this part as much as I had fun writing this:)...Let's have a glimpse on Lyndon's family in this chapter. Alexandra Daddario is Cristal Marie Pierce.

Edited by @ReaderBunny


The doors of the elevator opened and the first thing that I saw was the big lettering of 'Collins Advertising Co.' written in metallic gold. It is mounted on the left side wall, beside the big frosted glass door of the company. Ms. Ruane walked hurriedly when the elevator pinged. I snickered at the back knowing she felt the electricity between us too, making her want to get out of there fast. The doors were about to close but I stopped it with my free hand. Why? I just like to mess with Ms. Ruane's mind a little. It is actually what I do to women if I want them to not forget something especially in the pleasure department. But in this case, I was a bit disappointed with myself. I didn't start a conversation with her when I had a chance. It's just that, the small amount of time we had where are bodies are inches away, felt like home, a lighted fireplace in a winter night, or Christmas songs in Christmas time. Everything was right. No words are needed... Fuck! Just her presence was enough for me at that time. I felt satisfied.

"Nice riding with you Ms. Ruane, I hope to see you around." I said.

I stopped on the next floor and transferred to the other elevator. I can't help but to smile, because I know very well she'd be wondering why I know her.

The meeting went a little bit rough making the meeting longer than what I had in mind. A few of my financial advisers didn't want to buy the company with the price Mr. Shigio has set. They all expressed their concerns which James and his team answered and noted. James and his team laid the pros and cons of buying the company, the projected amount of money that will be needed to revive it and how much we'll gain from it if everything it go smoothly from there on. Before the meeting was adjourned, there's a consensus among the board to buy the company.

I will personally go to Japan the day after tomorrow to deliver the contract to the office of Mr. Shigio.

It was quarter to one already and I haven't eaten yet. Yes, I could have asked my secretary, but then I wanted to buy it on my own. Earlier I called Luke to drive me to a diner a few blocks away from this building. The diner was still the same from when I first came here. I picked my favorite spot which was the table near the window for it allows me to observe the people who walked outside and observe the people inside. As I was about to sit, I noticed a brown smooth leather notebook with a design of debossed leaves in front on the corner of the seat beside mine. The notebook was wrapped around by a yellow leather string with a leaf pendant hanging on it. I know at the back of my mind it's rude to open it, but what the heck no one can see me right? I'll just scan it and maybe I can find a name or address inside then I'll tell Luke to deliver it later.

The notebook turns out to be not an ordinary notebook. It belongs to someone named Samantha Alarisse Ruane. Is she related to Ms. Ruane? Inside, the first page was a letter from her father and it seemed that this diary was a gift to the owner on her ninth birthday. I scanned the whole thing, almost half of the sheets were already used the last page of those that have letters was half filled with ink. It was too short so I decided to read it. The last sentences says:

"Oh Daddy, I know it's inappropriate to tell you this... I met a guy in the elevator on my way to my workplace, and guess what, he is very attractive and hot. Actually, he's the most handsome guy I've ever seen in my entire life... No offense Daddy, you're also handsome but the thing is, he and I are in the same age group. I hope you understand. Maybe when you're the same age as him, you were also a very handsome man. Well, there's no doubt about it hahaha ;-). I wish I can see him again... Anyway I'll write to you again later Daddy, I am with Chelsea and my two new friends here at a diner near work. My new friends are great! I think we will be really close to each other. If you are here I'm sure you'd be very proud of me."

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