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I am Jealous of Me

Barefoot on the endless road, walking through small stones

Hoping to lead me to you, thinking why are you so far from me, but used to love me too

From the dim clouds, it poured the rain to you

Under the same sky, we gaze up high and see the same light

Reach for the same moon, when we see each other like the moon

Lie down the foam, thinking of you while cuddling a mellow

Dreaming of your touch, like I never wanted to wake up and see a faded dust

Jealous of the endless road, it used to have you on and let you pass to the next road

To how many times you've gone so far, but never thought of finally reaching me out

Conflicts between our ways, we still dreamt to walk on the same way

I am jealous of the endless road.

Barefooted walking on an open field,

Opening my arms and welcoming the rain

Wishing to dance with you on the wet lane

I am jealous of the rain, for it used to touch your skin to skin

Closing my eyes and embracing the pouring rain

Thinking of you to held my waist and dance me in the air

How jealous I am of the rain.

Jealous of the day and the moonlight,

Gazing up the same sky, how I wish for me to be the stars at night

To feel your eyes on me, I can never be so tired of watching you all day and night beside me

Jealous of the sunlight, it can freely land on your skin

When I never felt you touching my hand and walk me with you,

Reached out for the same moon, seeing each other like the moon

I love you even you are too far away from me, just like the moon

You make me smile and you ease the abrupt pain in me

Like the moon, I'm missing you during the rainy season

For sometime the weather of ours has opposite occurence,

I am jealous of the moon for it can make you fell in love even behind the clouds,

I will love you, forever behind the universe.

Jealous of the foam you lie down,

Every night after the day exhausted you

I am jealous of the mellow for it can make you rested on to

For I wish to cuddle you every second I just want you

I am jealous of the mellow for not being able to wake up with you laying beside me,

Still, I am loving you.

At night I am dreaming of you, all my jealousy were made of me

I am holding you, freely not needing to reach out to you

For, you are already with me

I can have you, I can be with you

Making love all day just like a dream come true

I hated the fact that I need to wake up and see the light of the sun

I am jealous of a dream, it can make you easily reach out to me

When I needed to wake up and cut the strings on me,

So I could finally continue my journey, going through the endless road,

On my journey, I will meet the dim clouds to pour me its calming energy

During the journey, I will gaze up high and think of you doing the same to what I do

Until it's night, I will reach out for the moon and follow its light

At last, I reached the middle of this endless road,

Where the moon stopped and left to be half, behind the mountain's top

We met on this endless road,

Using my feet, I ran to feel the mellow

You hugged me so tight like what I did

With the pouring rain I cried in pleasure of finally feeling everything

Until the sun was rising and the moon is set to hide under the mountains behind,

I felt your lips on mine, I embraced the sudden love you are sharing with our deep kisses

It all deleted my jealousy, for I had used to be everything behind its surfaces

I am jealous of me.


Written: July 08, 2021
reinexquisite soul in pages

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