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September Whispers

An abominable truth
That I haven't written
For long since August
Strikes to its last night

Days were blunt and stark
Without any shade of ink
Through pages of rhythm light
Yet bewitching to think,

I finally breathed
The precious pages were somber
As how inconsolable is life
Pen's were arid and out

Didn't leave traces in pages
Fearing to carve meaningless means
How I miss to listen to aubades
Which my soul desires
Through these days when sleep's deprived

How I miss the rain as I write
Then, I close my eyes with no weeps
No realities of lying restless
To deathbed, it's been endless


Written: September 25, 2023
— It's been how many, my good souls. I still wonder how each one of you are keeping up with the life's not so good pages, but do remember that everything will be worth it in the end. It's all about creating ourselves and no other. Be good to you, be good to all, and all will be good to all souls.

I am also building my own, for myself and for you, my good souls. I will write and will share, only for you to know that you'll never be alone. Pray harder when things are hard to bear. He will always be there.

Solely with all my heart,
reinexquisite soul in pages

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