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Less Of You

Here I am at this point
Where I can't write
Spacing out to spaces
Hearing words like knives

They were raging in anger
For the way I was ill and deaf
I was just exhausted
They didn't even hear me weep

I lost my wings not just once
And here they are pulling me down
My tears wanted to escape
Just looking at this page

With the tightness hold to my pen
To the reason of the soul I am,
What did I do for you to call me names?

It felt like running waters
For how fast the time drives
I can't even wonder
How get here from last night

If I could write less of this page
Which blues and black leans
Maybe I was freed
If only discomfort leaves


Written: August 07, 2023
— Less of you (applies to whatever and whomever that can give us comfort). This piece doesn't mean to share any negative energy but to remind you that it is only a moment when discomfort covers up our senses, again. We are not going to stay in the dark forever, if we start to leave that 'you' behind and not to wait for itself to leave us.

For the negative stays if we don't wash it out and flip to the bright page. We are who to choose which page to view.

Solely with all my heart,
reinexquisite soul

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