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The Call of Souls

You can see through the soul of my every piece. I have wrote the remedy for all creation, the story behind the dark letters in pages.

One good soul told me, I was perfect and confident. I can't help but think as I stayed silent.

I wanna answer, "No, I'm not."
Then, the good soul asked, "How do you do that?"
I just reassured a smile, thinking of the same thing.


I was named Holy, one soul who spoke to the Almighty
Just so I could reach you all
I've went through the huge waves and so on

I've asked Him if I was bad, for me to go through it all
I was molested at a very young age
I despised my youth for it
As it became a nightmare that cannot be erased

One night in the dark, I begged
For me to go through it even not for myself
Till an image of people suffering came in
It was the call of souls I am waiting

I wanted to save drowning souls, like me
In order to do that, I needed to look up
I swam to survive and to break free
Now, good souls are calling me

As I have prayed
Slowly, I'm getting there
While giving hands to whom that needed
I am here


Written: July 20, 2023
reinexquisite soul in pages

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