Chapter 3

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I see the picture, but what happens next?

Let's find out...

After brutally killing the egg bois, last time, Y/n was asked for the reason behind the disturbance, by his new master.

Alastor: "Now then, explain yourself Y/n."

Y/n: "Yes, of course. I sensed hostile intentions originating from a flying contraption in the sky not too far away as you can see," *points towards the yolk and burning blimp* "and took it apon myself to  rid this 'establishment' of any potential danger, using the very powers you gave me my Lord."

Nodding, Vaggie backed off and walked back inside.

Alastor said: "Fantastic work my dear knight! I expected great things from you in the future, but to be doing this for me in the same hour we meet was an unexpected occurrence, wonderful! Now, as my first commandment, I want you to meet Charlie here;" *gestures with both hands towards Charlie, who was standing in the doorway.*

Y/n nods and waves to Charlie, who smiles widely and grabs Y/n's hand.

Charlie: "Nice to meet you Y/n! I hope you can enjoy your stay here at the Happy Hotel!" *Charlie leads you by the hand into the building*

1st PoV

I nodded nod and walked along, until she stops at in the middle of the lounge, I take a look around and see a tall fluffy white, multi-legged, person, walking towards me.

Angel Dust: "Hey, don't I know you from that thing that me and Cherri did not too long ago? You were that handsome knight in shining white armor back there weren't you?" *Y/n nods* "Oh cool... Say, wanna go to my room and 'hang out'?" *Angel Dust rubs his gloved hands over your chest plate while Vaggie tried to pull him away and sit back down, but Angel wasn't budging*

Vaggie: "Stop flirting with the knight and get your fluffy white ass back here!" *Angel Dust groans and walks away with Vaggie*

Angel Dust: "Ugh, Fiiine, but you can talk to me later hot shot!" *Angel Dust waves to Y/n with one of his 4 hands that weren't being dragged by Vaggie*

Charlie: *chuckles and smiles nervously* "hehe, soooo... That was Angel Dust, I hope you don't mind him, he's still a sort of work in progress here in this facility." *Y/n nods* "And the one dragging away Angel, was Vaggie, she doesn't trust you very much yet, but I'm sure you can both still get along right?" *She smiles and you nod your head*

Charlie walks over to a bar where a small, tiny, little, one-eyed kid was sweeping dust off the ground and a somewhat tall fluffy black and white cat was bartending, while drinking, he doesn't look like the type to stay here for rehabilitation. What with him drinking on the job and all.

Charlie: "And these two are Niffty and Husker!"

Y/n: "Are you, Vaggie, and Alastor the only humans here?"

Charlie: "What? Human? Oh, no-no-no, no-one in hell is a human, you must be new! I'd ask you how you died but I can kinda guess and I don't wanna pry into your living life."

What!? No-one? New? How I died? This is hell!? I thought this was the future! Or a dream! But hell!? I would've never imagined hell to be the place someone like me would ever go!

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