Chapter 5

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Stolas: Oh my~ Alastor? What an interesting fellow you are...

I nodded and saw the other owl, a female looking one; bend over and glance at me, she seemed to think I was interesting too.

Teenage Owl-Demon: The Radio Demon??

Y/n: Yes, the Radio Demon is my master.

The Imps: Master!?

*Sigh* this'll be quite the 'interesting' trip.

Time-skip 10 minutes~

After finally finishing any questions the imps had for me, we arrived... I step out; and Stolas puts his hands on my plated shoulders.

Stolas: I want you to protect me! Can you do that for me? my knight?

[Fun fact; I accidentally put "my" in there, but I'm just rolling with it...] My?

I turned and nodded, for now, my master isn't here to stop me; so I guess I will listen to the next higher in command here.

I didn't get to know the name of the younger demon; "Who's this one here; A relative?"

Stolas: Oh! This is my daughter! Octavia!

Octavia: I can introduce myself, Dad!

Octavia looks kinda mad, but she looks at you: Yah, I'm Octavia. My father here kinda already introduced me.

I kneeled before her and her father, I was tasked with protecting these two members of royalty, I feel honored.


Octavia: What are you doing?

I look up at Octavia and Stolas, who were staring down at my kneeling.

Y/n: I am honored to be working for you, Is there an issue?

Stolas: Well-We've never had anyone bow to us, you don't have to do that; my knight in shining white armor. (Whispering to himself moreso anyone else.)

Octavia: Listen; you can feel honored to work for us, but you don't have to prostrate yourself before us.

I stood up, I little confused to know that these two don't appreciate that, but then again I am in hell...

Time-skip 5 minutes~

World of entertainment!~ I don't know why I thought of that, but it sounded like some sort of memory...

Stolas: Sowy Blitzy, I'm going alone with my Knight!-But you can watch over the entrance, make sure no-one tries to enter that looks like they want to kill me? Right?

Blitz: Oh~ getting comfortable with one of my employees? Great, less work for me.

Octavia: So you aren't here to court that imp into your marriage?

Stolas, *While walking with Y/n behind him.*: No! Of course not! I came here to make you happy! There's no other reason for this!

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