Chapter 6

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I woke up, left my unequipped armor unequipped. And I walked out my door, and down in the lobby, I saw Angel Dust talking to Charlie.

Angel Dust: Hey, Charlie. Do you know where Y/n is? Is he awake?

Charlie: Uh, no I don-Oh hey Y/n!

Y/n: Hello, I was about to leave right now, but what did you need, Angel?

Angel Dust: I was hoping I could ask you for a favor. Can you take down that old man? You know? The snake headed demon?

I nodded, and started walking out, but I was stopped by Apollo, who let himself out of the pendant.

Apollo: Hey, Y/n... Wanna get a drink before we leave? It'll be fun~

Y/n: I have no time for that, I need to be going to work.

Apollo: Then I'll be getting a drink, see ya at the IMP building.

Apollo waved as he walked away from me, dissatisfied with my answer, but that doesn't really matter right now.

I walked outside and summoned my legion, a part of it anyways, and I summoned my horse and equiped my shoulder pauldrons and gauntlet, having a gun in the other hand.

Apollo PoV~

Apollo: Hey-Husker!

Husker: "What do you want?" *Sips out of bottle.*

Apollo: Just a glass, my friend.

Husker: "Well, I don't know you. Don't know why you're calling me 'friend'." *Puts bottle down and starts pouring for Apollo*

Apollo: "Oh just a little joke, Husker. No need to get uncomfortable..." *Apollo said while tapping his metal finger on the table.*

Husker: Riiight...

Husker plants a glass of beer on the space in front of me, and I grab it and I start boiling it into my face, Husker looks at me with a confused gesture, but I wave him off and walk out the door, ready to raise some hell...

After walking out, I saw Y/n's legion in the distance. I summon my group of 'Sentinels', is what Y/n called them, and I hopped on a horse. And after galloping around for about 5 minutes, I was able to find a few ways to control people, after a few hours, I made a few contracts and now I have control over a large majority of Pentagon City. Now I just need to think of a few things to add to the city, maybe a few shelters, or busses? Yeah, busses. That sounds like a good idea, keeps the denizens of hell safe from newcomers, and the other way around if need be.

I started on my way to find a business that makes vehicles, Eventually, I found one, but I only stopped by to make an appointment, the owner looked at me weird, like most do, and I walked out and to find IMP.

Y/n PoV, Hours Earlier~

I finally arrived at IMP. I walked through the doors of the office and the first thing I hear is a gunshot, followed by a crash and bang on the floor. I looked at Blitz, who was shooting a TV, for some reason.

Millie: Nice one, B!

Blitzo: Gimme another, Mox!

Blitzo pours gunpowder into his flintlock.

Blitzo: Eh, nah. Not feelin' it. Next!

Moxxie switches the channel. Blitzo and Millie look bored.

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