Chapter One. - Coming Together.

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Elena, Caroline and Bonnie. Were at the grill. After spending a year apart. They decided to take a year break before going to college. A lot had changed during that year. Elena broke it off with Stefan and started dating Damon. They soon realized that they were better off as friends. Elena realized that she wasn't in love with either of the Salvatore Brothers. But she was undeniable head over heels in love with Elijah. Elena had just finished filling them both in on what happened. " Seriously? - Damon? - at least you too can be friends. - bet that was fun." Caroline spoke. Earning a glare off of Bonnie. "No don't look at Caroline like that. - it's fine. - but yes Damon. - it was fun. - but we can be friends. - and that's the main thing. - but I've realized that. - I'm undeniable head over heels in love with Elijah. - I just can't get him off my mind." Elena spoke. "Anyways enough about me. - what about you two? - how was your year been?" Elena spoke. "Bonnie. - you can go first." Caroline spoke. "New York was amazing. - it was great to get away after Enzo. - but I've realized that I'm in love with someone." Bonnie said. " OMG. - who?" Caroline asks. Bonnie shook her head. "come on. - tell us." Elena encouraged. "Damon. - I'm in love with Damon." Bonnie spoke. "Damon? - you two hate each other right?" Caroline asks. "That's what I thought too. - then we got stuck in the prison world. - I saw him in a different light. - but I couldn't do anything about it. - I didn't know how Elena felt about him. - and you dated him Caroline. - I. - there is a girl code." Bonnie spoke. Elena and Caroline looked at each other and smiled. "Go for it." They both said.


"What about you Caroline?" Bonnie spoke. " Paris. - it was great. - but I couldn't stop thinking about Klaus the whole time. - so I broke up with Tyler. - he left but I stayed in Paris. - it was good to have some time to reflect. - to have that time to myself. - so yeah." Caroline spoke. "Care. - why didn't you say anything when we face timing?"  Elena asks. Caroline shrugs. " It wasn't a big deal. - everyone breaks up." Caroline said. " But we are your best friends. - we are always here here for you." Bonnie said. " I know. - I don't want you guys to think the worst of me of my feelings for Klaus." Caroline said. " Oh Caroline. - we wouldn't think the worst of you." Elena said. "You can't help who you have feelings for." Bonnie spoke.


Stefan and Damon went to the grill.. " it's great to see them back together. - should we join them?" Damon spoke. "Nah. - let them have their time together. - anyway are you going to tell Bonnie about your feelings for her?" Stefan now looked at Damon. " I don't know. - I doubt she would have feelings for me." Damon spoke.
At the girls table..  Caroline and Elena smiled..  "what are you smiling about?" Bonnie asks. "Just go and talk to Damon." Caroline spoke. "no. - I can't." Bonnie spoke. Elena shook her head. " Do. - you never know." Elena said. "Tomorrow. - today is our day." Bonnie said.


In New Orleans.. After the deaths of Haley and Marcel.. The Milkaelson's decided to pack up and leave New Orleans.. "Hope. - you ready?" Klaus asks his daughter as he walked into her room. " Don't. - sorry I thought you were someone else." Hope spoke. "No worries. - are you ready?" Klaus asks again. Hope gave a nod. "pitty though. - Kol and Davina are staying here. - it would've been nice for them to come too." Hope spoke as she picked up her bags. "I know. - they will visit as we will visit them." Klaus now walked out of the room following his daughter. Elijah was saddened to leave. But he couldn't stand being here with Haley dead. "Mystic Falls?" Elijah asks. Klaus gave a nod. "Sure. - why not." Rebekah said. Haley wasn't the only one that died that day. Marcel did too. Rebekah morned the lose of him. And she still is. "Can I come?" Freya asks. "Already thought you were." Klaus said. "Glad you said that." Freya now placed her packed bags.

And they set off for Mystic Falls.


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