Chapter Three. - Decisions.

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Elena walked out of the house. She needed to get away. From Jeremy and Alaric. She needed to clear her head. She didn't know if she wanted to go to college. She wasn't paying attention to where she was going. And she bumped into someone. "I'm sorry. - I wasn't paying attention." Elena as she looked up to see who she bumped into. "Elena. - it's lovely to see you again." Elijah spoke. "Elijah. - hi." Elena spoke. "What's on your mind?" Elijah asks. "College. - whether or not to go." Elena said. She waved her hand. " It doesn't matter anyway. - how are you?" Elena now spoke. "I'm good thanks. - it is important. - let's take a walk. - and we can talk about it." Elijah spoke. Elena gave a nod. They talked and walked for hours. " I think you should go with what you think it's best. - you know what you want. - and you have a plan. - to you know what is best for you. - Alaric and Jeremy can't make you do what you don't want to do. - come back to ours and we can talk some more." Elijah said. Elena looked at Elijah. "What would Haley say?" Elena asks. Elijah winced. " Haley died a few months ago. - she died in order to save Hope. - I huh. - I wasn't myself." Elijah spoke. " I'm sorry. - I didn't know. - how are you?" Elena now felt guilty over mentioning Haley. "I'm fine. - just. - I just wished I could've remembered her. - and I could've have saved her. - so she could be here for Hope. - either way I was going to break up with her. - and come back for you." Elijah spoke. " How about instead we go to grill?" Elena asks. Elijah gave a nod. "Let's go." Elijah said.


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Klaus was at the grill. Watching Elijah and Elena walk in together. That only made him want to see Caroline even more. He had missed Caroline over the years. He knew from the first time he saw her that she was the one for him. He got out his phone. He brought up Caroline's number. He was about to press call. But instead he clicked his phone off. He got up and walked out of the grill. He swished over to Caroline's. To only be met by Liz. "Hi. - I was wondering if Caroline is home?" Klaus asks. "Sorry. - she is not. - Alaric rang saying he was worried about Elena. - as she hasn't come back yet. - she is gone looking for her." Liz explained. " Thank you. - I know where Elena is. - she at the grill. - with my brother Elijah." Klaus spoke. And swished off to find Caroline. When he found her he told her. "Give me Alaric's number and I ring him." Klaus spoke. He rang Alaric. "Now. - let's go somewhere. - just you and me. - I want us to talk. - no family. - no daughter." Klaus spoke. " We can't. - I can't." Caroline said. " We can. - why can't you?" Klaus spoke. " I. - I don't think it's a good idea." Caroline spoke. " If this is about Tyler. - I won't go after him." Klaus said. " It's not about Tyler. - we broke up. - this is about me." Caroline said. "For a drink. - we don't even have to leave Mystic Falls. - we can go to the grill." Klaus spoke. "Fine. - let's go." Caroline spoke.


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Damon and Bonnie were at Bonnie's house. They didn't want Stefan to feel like he always had to leave. They were taking. "Are you sure about this?" Damon asks. "Yes I am. - I want to spend the rest of my forever with you. - and we both know that you would hate being human again. - so yes I am sure. - this is the most sure that I've been in along time." Bonnie now spoke. "You know so well. - I am so grateful that you would want to lose your powers just for me." Damon then kissed Bonnie. " I wouldn't do it for anyone else." Bonnie said after they pulled apart.


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Stefan and Rebekah were at the boarding house. "Where is Damon?" Rebekah asks. " He is at Bonnie's house. - they got together. - I'm happy for them. - they don't want me to leave everytime they get together. - which I wouldn't. - I love seeing Damon so happy. - and that's down to Bonnie." Stefan said. "So is Damon going to take the cure?" Rebekah asks. "They are talking about what's going to happen. - Damon said he take the cure. - and Bonnie said that she could be turned into one of us." Stefan spoke. "Anyways enough about them. - how have you been keeping?" Stefan spoke. "Ok. - there are days that I wish I didn't have to get out of bed. - and then there are days that I am semi ok. - and days that I'm okay." Rebekah spoke. "But I do know Marcel was never the one. - Stefan. - it was you. - it's always been you Stefan." Rebekah spoke. Wishing she didn't say anything. Until Stefan kissed her.


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