Chapter 5: Some clues and locating the O'Flannery magic staff

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In one of the various halls of the school, Velma was roaming around, using her scroll's flashlight to have a look around. The sight of some sort of coffin made her jump a little. She then sighed when realizing it was just some empty coffin.

Velma took a peek into the coffin and saw a bunch of spikes. Curious, she pushed one back and found that it was spring-loaded and wasn't even that sharp, but could still hurt someone if they hit it at the right pressure.

"Hm." Velma comments, closing the coffin

Suddenly, she heard ballet music echo over the complete hall, causing her to look around and spot a set of doors with light coming out through the said doors.

"What in the world????" Velma questioned

When walking over to investigate the music, she peeked through the door and saw Daphne of all people, doing all sorts of ballet moves. However, she ended up cut short when she nearly slipped and had to use a table hoisting a gramophone to keep herself from falling to the floor.

"Daphne?" Velma spoke

"Hey, Vel." Daphne responded, turning off the gramophone

"What's going on?" Velma asks

"I'm tired of being my klutzy old self. Figured to get myself centered, controlled, and become graceful, i'd give ballet dancing a shot." Daphne comments. "Plus, there's apparently supposed to be a dance at the Vytal Festival next semester at Beacon, but Ozpin and aunt Glynda are debating if they even should or not."

Velma walked over and says, "Does this have anything to do with Fred going gaga over Crystal?"

"A little." Daphne responds, drying her hands off a little. "What are you doing sneaking around here at this hour? I thought you'd be doing the sisterly slumber party thing with Madelyn."

"Oh, it's great to see Mads again, but...we don't really have anything to common." Velma responds. "Just between you and me, she's kind of a nerd."

"No kidding." comments Daphne

"Once she grabs onto something, there's little to no chance of stopping her. She's always overalayzing every little thing that attracts her attention." Velma comments before seeing some sort of residue on the floor and checking it in her fingers. "There's some gritty residue on the floor. Would you know what this is, Daphne?"

Daphne walked over with a jar and she says, "It's rosin, dancers put it on their dance shoes to create some friction between the floor and their shoes."

Daphne walked over to pull something down to hang her towel but having a bit of trouble.

"This thing's stuck!" Daphne comments. "A little help, V?"

"Sure." Velma responds, walking over and grabbing on to try to give a tug

After a whole of tugging, they ended up stumbling back when the small hook broke down and the door opens, revealing a secret passage.

"A secret passage!" Daphne comments

"Come on!" Velma says as they got up

Velma pulls out her scroll and turns on the flashlight as they looked around at all the stuff in the secret room.

"This stuff must've been shipped over here from Ireland with the castle." says Daphne

Velma then picks up something.

"Some of this is more recent, like this photo album." Velma comments

" Velma comments

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