Chapter 7: The Gryphon Strikes

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"Push us off, Shaggy!" Madelyn says

Shaggy got to pushing but with no luck. When the banshee was heard screeching and seen approaching, Shaggy jumped, his hair spiking out.

"ZOINKS!!!!!!" Shaggy yelped

Shaggy then, out of pure fear, activates his speed based Semblance and got the boat moving, running across the lake as he pushes the boat, the banshee still chasing after.

"Didn't know Shaggy could run on water!" Pyrrha comments

"Well, he's full of fear and when he's scared, he can use his speed Semblance in many unlikely ways!" Ren responded

The boat then hit a rock sticking out of the water, launching all of them onto land, the banshee stopping before descending into the water.

"Great footwork there, Shaggy." Nora comments, still shaken up a little

"Let's get the staff back to the castle and analyze it for possible clues." Fred comments

Fred, Velma, Daphne, and Team JNPR headed back for the Mystery Machine.

"I can't believe you saved us like that, Shaggy." Madelyn comments

"Well, with my line of hobby work, my feet can come in real handy." Shaggy responds

"It's more than your feet, Shaggy." Madelyn stated. "It's you. You're so amazing, so forceful. I think you're possibly the bravest, most wonderful boy i've ever known."

Shaggy actually blushed a little.

"Well, gee, Madelyn, I...I like you too." Shaggy responded

Scooby smiled and sways his tail.

"It's getting late!" Velma calls out

As the three stood up, the gryphon was heard screeching in the distance, Scooby jumping a little. That's when the gryphon emerged from the trees on the island in the middle of Shadow Lake.

"IT'S THE GRYPHON!!!!!" Shaggy yelped

Madelyn, Shaggy, and Scooby ran over and got into the Mystery Machine as fast as they could.

"What are you waiting for? Directions?!??!?!???" The G.P.S questioned. "Just drive!!!"

For once, Jaune of all people was in the driver's seat and only knew the bare basics of how to work the Mystery Machine which is luckily enough as he stepped on the gas, speeding off, the gryphon cashing after.

When the Mystery Machine shot up a small hill on the road, the back doors swung open, Shaggy pointing the staff at the gryphon.

"Like, uh,m shoo, gryphon!!!" Shaggy shouts, "Begone already!!!"

However, nothing happened.

"I think the batteries are dead!" Shaggy comments

Madelyn then remembered something and pulled out a box,

"Hey, I brought ta box of magic show explosives with me tin the van for field practice." Madelyn says, opening the box. "We could use them as weapons!"

"Like, Sooby-Doo, let's strike this gryphon out!" says Shaggy

"Reah!" Scooby agrees. "RStrike-out!"

They began priming and chucking various magic show explosives and they blow up on contact with the gryphon, the gryphon screeching and roaring with each explosion. Everyone else was looking back as Shaggy and Scooby continued chucking explosives.

However, Jaune turned his eyes back to the road and had to swerve to avoid colliding head on with a semi truck. Unluckily for Scooby, however, Scooby had just primed an explosive and the swerving caused him to drop it, the explosive landing in the box of other explosives.

"Uh oh!!" Madelyn exclaimed. "I think Scooby dropped a LIVE explosive into the box!!"

"Like, which one??!??" Shaggy questions

"RI DON'T REMEMBER!!!!!" Scooby comments

Out of desperation, Scooby just grabbed the whole box and chucked it at the gryphon, every single explosive blowing up on impact, Shaggy yoinking Scooby back into the van as he shut the back doors. As they continued going along, Jaune peeked his head out the window after making sure he was on the right side of the road before doing so.

The gryphon roars, emerging from the smoke and Jaune looked forward again.

"We haven't lost that thing yet, guys!" Jaune comments, heading back for the magic school

Back in the school, Whirlen was reading a book on the history of stage magic before his time before he heard tire screeching outside and saw the Mystery Machine. Fearing the worst, he set the book down and ran to try to get the door open for everyone.

Back outside, the Mystery Machine came to a stop and everyone got out.

"Hurry, inside!!!" Daphne shouts

"Hey, you're just gonna leave me out here???!?!??!??" The G.P.S questioned. "Then again, i'm not what that thing's after."

Everyone ran over and headed inside after Whirlen opened the door. Jaune, Shaggy, and  Scooby ended up tripping Amos and Jaune wasted no time getting back up and going inside, Shaggy not noticing he dropped the staff.

"What's all the ruckus??" Amos questions

"GRYPHON ATTACK!!!!" Shaggy yelped as the gryphon appeared from some trees. "RUN!"

They got up and ran inside, Shaggy grabbing what he thinks is the staff before booking it inside, Shaggy being the last one inside.

"Let's get the staff to Whirlen!" Madelyn comments

Shaggy looked at what he actually grabbed wasn't the staff. It was Jaune's sword that somehow fell out of it's seath during the chaos when they ran over Amos.

"Wait, like, if this is Jaune's sword, then that means....." Shaggy starts

Madelyn looked outside and saw the staff was still on the ground outside.

"Oh no!!!" Madelyn exclaimed, running out to get the staff

"LIKE, DON'T DO IT!!!!!!" Shaggy yelped

Pyrrha ran out to try to stop Madelyn, however, Madelyn got the staff and just as everyone else got out, the gryphon swoops by, snatching up both Madelyn and Pyrrha, Madelyn dropping the staff.

"MADELYN!!!!!" Velma cried out

"VELMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!" cried out Madelyn as her and Pyrrha were carried off into the night

Amos walked over to the side and pulled out his scroll, calling MR. Curdles.

"Mr. Curdles, events have taken a terrible turn over here." Amos said. "You might wanna come see for yourself."

"I'm on my way." Curdles responds before Amos hung up

Amos walked back into the castle, grabbing his pitchfork as he went into the castle.

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