Chapter 10: Gryphon culprit revealed

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Crystal was the first one to speak after the gryphon fell to the ground.

"The poor thing looks hurt." Crystal comments. "Why doesn't it fly away?"

One of the talons moved, making a large metal squeaking noise.

"There's your answer." Velma says, walking over and grabbing a string, shaking the talon

Velma then moved her flashlight and everyone watched, the light revealing a big blimp caught on one of the towers after some fog cleared up.

"The's a gigantic puppet?" Whirlen questions

"Correct." Velma confirms. "This whole charade is actually starting to make some sense now."

The blimp began making a tearing noise.

"RUN!!!" Velma shouts

Everyone ran out of the range of the falling blimp and it landed on the ground with a thud. Fred and Ren grab the blimp, moving it to the side, revealing the culprit to have been none other than....

 Fred and Ren grab the blimp, moving it to the side, revealing the culprit to have been none other than

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"Marlon?????" Whirlen questioned. "It was you???"

"Marlon operated that contraption to scare everyone away from the castle once and for all." Velma explains. "But Shaggy, Jaune, and Scooby foiled his plans."

Whirlen rose an eyebrow.

"So the monster never was real" Whirlen comments

"Nope, just a more sophisticated version of the puppets in your magic acts, from when you two were kids." Velma elaborated

"The blimp carried the gryphon beneath it to make it look like it was flying." chimed Fred

"But how did he disguise the blimp??" Alma asks

"Remember how every time the gryphon would appear, it was foggy?" Velma asks, grabbing the torn blimp and chucking it to the side and revealing a fog machine in a large basket. "The blimp generated it's own concealing fog bank."

Ren gave the machine a kick and it shot out fog.


Velma was cleaning up the mess in the floor in Marlon's lab while Marlon was showing how the machine worked, noticing one of the jars was marked 'GLYCEROL'.


"Ren and I noticed that some bottles in the lab were marked Glycerol." Velma explains

"Glycerol, as most of us would know, is a chemical used by professional illusionists in fog machines." Ren adds

"I used the fog to hide the blimp and then used a handheld animatronic control to control the gryphon." Marlon comments, showing the said controller

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