Chapter 2

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Safe Haven - Chapter 2

"I accept."

Kyrr's voice rang out in the clearing, clear and strong. Looking up at Felidae, he felt a mixture of feelings shoot through him. He was excited, yet wary. Was he really up for such an intense jump of ranking? He was the lowest-ranked lioness's cub. Cubs like that weren't supposed to be offered such honors.

But his doubt was erased when he looked over the crowd. The lionesses whispered, shooting awed glances at him. Kyrr suddenly felt proud of what he'd done. He had entered the pride as a lowly cub, mistreated and disliked. He would show them now!

"Very well." Felidae looked down at him, locking their gazes. He nudged the cub forward. Kyrr gulped again, suddenly nervous. How would it feel now, knowing that he was officially... better than the rest of them? He didn't want to throw his weight around like he owned the world, but he felt as if they owed him an apology. Nobody had ever looked at him the way they did now before, and why? Just because of some rank.

His thoughts were interrupted by Felidae's deep growl. "Karissa, step forward."

The dark-sandy furred lioness took a step forward, acknowledging his call.

"You will teach Kyrr all you know of hunting."

"Nyx, step forward."

The scarred, lean strangely-black lioness looked up at her king, her amber gaze mysterious.

"You will teach Kyrr all you know of battle."

Kyrr was slightly nervous. Nyx was famed for her cruelty and accuracy in battle. As much as he had always admired her skill, he was a bit worried of what she could ever do to him if she wished to.

"And Panthera, step forward."

The pale tan queen strode forward, her coat rippling. Her eyes were guarded with emotion as she looked straight at Kyrr.

"I trust you most to teach Kyrr the ways of the pride."

All three dipped their heads, disappearing back into the group.

"Meeting dismissed." Felidae abruptly waved his tail to disperse the lionesses, then gestured for Kyrr to join him in his stone den.

"You must be nervous," Felidae said as soon as Kyrr was settled in front of him. "It's an honor to be chosen to receive special training, but it is also a curse you will never escape."

Kyrr blinked in surprise. "Curse? Why?"

Felidae scraped at the rocky floor. "Because now everyone will look up to you. The responsibilities placed on your shoulders aren't just temporary. Forevermore, the lions and lionesses of this pride will revere and remember your name and deeds. You have eternal power now."

Kyrr looked down. "I... don't understand."

The mighty king sighed. "Yes, you won't understand now, but you will later." For a moment, the strong lion looked weary and broken, just a shadow of the power he held in his paws. Staring off into the landscape, he shook his head abruptly to clear it. "Now, off you go, Rest well, for you have a long and tiring training session tomorrow. You'll need all the sleep you can get." With that, he nudged Kyrr out of his den and disappeared deeper into the tunnels.


Smack! "Move faster, runt!"

Kyrr's cheek stung from the force of Nyx's blow.

Pow! "Defend your stomach!"

He gasped as her large paws jabbed him in the soft flesh of his abdomen.

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