Chapter 4

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Safe Haven - Chapter 4

Kyrr entered the Noble Hearted camp, which was abuzz with activity. He slipped in quietly, and nodded to Felidae, who was basking in the sun.

"Hey, Kyrr!" He heard somebody call his name, and he turned around, flicking his tail slightly. Lussa padded up to him, her brown eyes shining. Her pelt had darkened as she matured, and it was a golden brown color. "We're going hunting. Wanna come? It's a cub hunting party, and we need older cubs to help lead the younger ones." She gestured with her head to the year's new litter of cubs tumbling in the dirt, barely a year old. Leo was standing by with one of his lackeys, looking smugly superior.

Kyrr shook his head. "Lussa, it's fine." Leo was not be able to tease him about his rank anymore, but he still ignored Kyrr.

Lussa looked hurt. "Please? The cubs really look up to you."

Almost as if they'd heard, the group of cubs had stopped playing and looked over and Kyrr. One padded up to him.

"Can you come, pleaaaaaaaase?"

Kyrr sighed, knowing that if he didn't agree, his only friend would be mad at him. "I suppose so."

Lussa waved her tail happily. "Yay! Let's go!" Without a backwards glance, she signaled to Leo and they headed outside.

Kyrr followed, then looked back at the others.

Felidae was watching him, his gaze cold.

The sun was directly above their heads as they ran. Kyrr remembered the day he had run behind Karissa in that fateful hunt. Today, he ran up front, beside Lussa and behind Leo and the other male cub, who he learned to be Tia. The younger cubs struggled to keep up with their larger strides, but it didn't stop them from chattering and yipping.

Due to the intense training, Kyrr had not had time to talk much with the other cubs of his age, and as he slipped into casual conversation with Lussa, he realized how much he'd missed it. Even though he'd never known many others, easy talking felt good after too many polite words to respected leaders.

"How have you been? We haven't talked in a long time," Lussa asked, her tone light.

Kyrr sighed. "It's surely different from my old life. Everyone treats me better." But yet, in a way, I'm still the outcast.

She nodded, genuine sympathy in her eyes, then teased, "Even me? I thought I was always pretty nice to you..."

He bumped her shoulder with his, enjoying the friendly banter. "You? Really? Doubtful," he teased back. "You were always the meanest one of the bunch."

She rolled her eyes and laughed, shaking her head and saying no more. Just as well, because Tia broke into their conversation and started talking to Lussa. Tia shot Kyrr a subtle glare, enough for him to know to back off.

Kyrr laughed to himself and ran ahead to catch up with Leo. The older cub glared at him. "What do you want?"

Wounded, Kyrr replied, "Nothing, do you have a problem with me running here?" He suddenly felt an unfamiliar tinge of brutality, and added, "Or are you too pure - blooded to care?"

Leo looked shocked at this - Kyrr usually never shot back at him - but this was soon replaced by anger, "So the prodigy strikes back?" He snarled snidely. "Or are you too hybrid to care?"

Kyrr gritted his fangs, wanting to lash out at him. He itched to do something, to hurt something. To hurt Leo. But this was quickly replaced by surprise, and guilt. What was he thinking? This wasn't like him. Kyrr decided to stay silent.

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