The Dragon's Secret (Part 2)

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So, following Fred's hunch, we walked out of the hole in the wall and made our way to the Mystery Machine. Velma and Daphne were up front with Fred, while Mai Le was unfortunately with Shaggy, Scooby, and I in the back. Fred pulled into an alleyway and took down a periscope from the ceiling angled towards Chen's.

"Looks pretty quiet out there," he said after a few moments. "Fred, when did you install a periscope in the Mystery Machine?" Velma asked in shock. "Probably right around the time he was installing a trap in my dining room. What else aren't you telling us, Fred?" she asked bitterly.

"Nothing, Daphne. I swear," Fred told her frantically, though I could tell he still didn't understand what he did wrong. "Whatever," Daphne sighed. "Where's my lip gloss?"

As Daphne reached for the glove compartment, Fred froze. "Daphne, wait! No!" he shouted.

But it was too late. When she pressed the button, the ceiling of the van opened, and Daphne's seat launched her out, making her scream as she flew through the air.

"I guess there was one other thing I didn't tell you," he muttered hopelessly. I watched the scene wide eyed. If Fred managed to survive once she was through with him, it'd be a miracle.

"So, what do you guys do to entertain yourselves on a stakeout?" Mai Le asked, eyeing Shaggy. "Well, like, the key to a good stakeout is making sure that you've got enough snacks," he said, glancing at me for reassurance. I gave a quick and subtle nod. I didn't want to be flat-out rude to the girl.

He leaned down and picked up his sack of snacks he brought along. "This is Scoob's and my special stakeout snack sack we've got something from every food group: salty, sugary, jerky, and ice cream," he said proudly, and pulled out the ice cream and some spoons. He handed one to me than one to Mai Le. "Like, I recommend eating the ice cream first," he said, and we all took a spoonful of ice cream.

"I feel your pain, dog," I heard Velma say, and I looked over to see Scooby pouting about not getting any ice cream. I handed him my spoon with a kind smile and turned my attention to the front when Daphne returned from her little flight with a slam of the door.

"I am so sorry," Fred said quietly. "Save it," she snapped at him, not even looking at Fred. Suddenly, there was a loud rumble, and a blue light outside. The Mystery Machine started to shake violently, and even tipped from side to side. We all yelled and tried to stay where we were.

But, upon looking outside, it seemed the van was being lifted out of the air. "Let's get out of here!" Fred exclaimed. We all opened the doors and jumped out. Scooby landed on Shaggy, with Mai Le and I next to them.

We looked up to see another wizard, though this one was in white and blue robes, and didn't have the long white hair like the first time. But, like the first time, lighting was flashing all around us.

"It's the wizard from the party!" Daphne exclaimed as the Mystery Machine continued to rise in the air. Then, he let it fall and we all ran to get out of the way of its landing. Suddenly, as we were running down the alley, red lightning flashed in front of us. We all looked up to see the first wizard.

"No, wait. That's the wizard from the party!" Fred exclaimed. "Two wizards? What is going on?" Velma asked as we watched the wizards approach each other. They both hovered in midair, blue and red lightning flashing all around them. But they didn't move, like they were waiting for the other to attack first.

We all ran to hide around the corner, though each of us peeked to watch the fight. Both wizards let out a flash of light, and when the flashes met together, two dragons of the respective colors formed. "Like, this would be so cool if I wasn't so terrified!" Shaggy yelled with a nervous laugh.

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