Chapter 3. Flying through everyday life [Caleb]

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I'm soaring through the wind.

Speeding down the narrow road, racing through the streets. Up and downhill.

From an outsider's perspective, I might look like a madman. But they don't know that I'm late to pick up my sister. A whole hour and thirty minutes late.

It's not the end of the world. However, I've also forgotten to buy groceries today. Something I've delayed doing for a few days now. Lucy and I've been living off of macaroni and toast.

Knowing the stores will be closing earlier because of the storm. I don't think Lucy will appreciate another dinner of bland butterless toast and macaroni.

Hell, I don't think I will.

I reach her friend's home in record time.

All her friends live closer to the center of town. Our home is a good thirty minutes away, on foot. Ten in the car. But I don't really like driving. I'm a terrible driver. Lucy knows that too, which is why bikes are our preferred method of transport.

Lucy and I live in a bit more of a remote area of town. A place upon the hills in the forest. Even our neighbor is several miles away.

It's a two-story house. Not that big. It's got a nice view, but that's all. It might slightly explain why our parents leave us.

I hear her before I see her.

She stomps out of the shed with her bike. Yelling colorful words at me. Her friend, tailing along beside her.

Before I can apologize, she signals with her hand for me to stop.

I don't say anything.

She turns around to her friend. They hug and snigger at something I can't hear.

After saying their goodbyes, she drags her bike over to me. Stops right beside me on the curb.

Her hair is messy, I braided it this morning, and it looks... not very good. A testimony to my terrible hairstyling abilities. Her chin is up in the air. Her eyes, forming into tiny slits. The blue of her eyes glowering.

This is nothing. We're fine. I guess the dramatic antics aren't just a 'me thing.'

"How was your day?" I start, hopping on my bike. Heading towards the grocery store.

She does the same and shrugs, "Why do you care."

I give her an impassive look.

She groans. "We didn't do much. Steffany did show me a movie about angels. It was great. It's about this human girl who meets this mysterious guy. Turns out he's a badass angel, and they fall in love-"

Sounds like a terrible movie. But then again, it doesn't take a lot to catch Lucy's interest.

"Sounds great," I lie.

I see the store a bit further uphill.

"What would you like for dinner?" I ask.

Lucy's eyes pop, almost in a cartoonish kind of way. I can't help but let out a little chuckle. It really has been a long time since we got anything else but macaroni.

"I want a big steak!" She exclaims.

We stop outside the store and park our bikes along the windowed wall.

The doorbell chimes when we enter. Mrs. Flores greets us behind the cashier. She's the store owner and a sweet old woman. I've known her since I was little. I used to go to school with her son. Well, before he dropped out and left his mother to pursue the wondrous world of a musician. I wonder how well that's going.

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