Chapter 1

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Shingeki Academy, a prestigious school for the talented and young prodigies.

Armin is a student in this academy. He is a prodigy in all subjects. Ranking 3rd for smartest 15 year old in all of Paradis. He also managed a seat in the student council.

Today was a normal day in his school. He didn't have much friends or any at all really. Him, Eren, and Mikasa had all grown apart since they were children. Eren was popular and Mikasa just went kinda gothic.

He was used to being alone. Using all his time either studying or thinking about his crush.


That named had haunted him most of his life. He was in sixth grade when he realised his feelings for his best friend. It was also the year Eren began to get popular. Armin wasn't exactly gay, he was omnisexual with a preference to guys.

Eren didn't really talk to Armin, but he sometimes texted him. He'd ask him 'How you doing?' or 'What's up?' Just simple things.

Armin on the other hand went to all of Eren's games, even watched the time he beat the Spelling Bee in eighth grade. He absolutely adored him, but of course he didn't think Eren felt the same way. They barely even talked anymore.

Armin was casually sitting in his seat by the window, thinking about life choices.

"Oi! Jackass! Get up! I want to sit there today," Flock yelled.

"But this is usually my spot, Flock," Armin replied shyly. He had major social anxiety.

Flock was about to punch the hell out of Armin when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, don't pick on my friend. I'll beat your ass if you do."

Flock turned to see his captain behind him. Eren.

"He's a good for nothing nerd! I've never seen you hang with him, so is he really your friend?"

"I'm sorry. Did I stutter? Get your ass away from my friend Flock!"

Flock reluctantly walked away and sat down in his seat beside Armin.

"You okay, Armin? I'm sorry my teammate was giving you trouble," Eren apologized.

Armin was mesmerized by Eren. He had grown his hair out since middle school and it looked amazing. He had in a bun today and the way the morning light hit his face through the window. It was beautiful. Just beautiful.

"Oi? Armin? You okay," Eren snapped him out of his daze.

"O-oh. Yea, I'm fine. Thanks, Eren. For your help."

"No problem. Anyway, you coming to my game Friday?" Eren is in the seat in front of him, sitting backwards in the chair. He was resting his arms on Armin's desk.

"Y-yea. Wouldn't miss it for the world. I lo------."

"Oi," Mr.Ackerman interrupted, "stop talking and pay attention! I'm not a teacher for those who don't wish to pay attention in my class. And Eren?"

"Yes sir?"

"Sit in the seat correctly. I don't need you lost in Armin's eyes."

Eren blushed faintly. "Yes sir."

The class laughed as Eren sat properly in his seat. He felt embarrassed. So did Armin.

'Why say that? Why me," Armin mentally screaming. 'Was Eren lost in my eyes? I wasn't paying attention. "

The class went on regardless of Armin's thoughts. So did the whole day. He didn't know why that little comment flustered him so much. He sorta liked it though. The thought of Eren actually getting lost in his eyes made his heart sprout wings and fly away drunk. Armin can't count the many times he's jacked off to just thinking of Eren. He knew it was wrong, but he still did it regardless.

Armin was walking home still flustered by what Mr.Ackerman had said. He was lost in his head.

"Hey! Armin," Eren yelled from behind him, running towards him.

Armin stopped dead in his tracks. Was this really happening? Is Eren going to speak to him again?

"Hey, Armin." Eren stopped at his side. " What are you doing for the rest of the day? I was thinking if your not busy, we could hang out? Like old times."

Eren rest his hand on the back of his head. His hair down now from practice. The sweat still on his soft skin.

"Oh! Yea, we could hang out I guess."

Armin was once again mesmerized by Eren as they started walking.

"What about Mikasa," Armin questioned. "Should we invite her too?"

"I already asked. She has a new member joining her club, so she can't come. Something about poetry. I wasn't paying attention really."

"O-oh? Is that so?"

"Yea, but what do you want to do? I was thinking the arcade!"

"Sounds good. I'm down for that."

This was gonna be a long afternoon/evening for Armin.

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