Chapter 5

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Armin was a mess. He couldn't stop crying. His heart was broken.

"Armin. Armin, calm down. It'll be fine. I promise," Mr.Ackerman said, rubbing Armin's back.

"I don't think it'll be fine," Armin cried. "I just- He-"

Armin continued to cry. His mouth unable to form words.

"Armin, why don't you go home early today? I can see you need some time to yourself."

Armin nodded, but at that same time didn't want to leave. He wanted to stay and cry knowing someone cared. Armin and Mr.Ackerman left the classroom and headed for the office. Mr.Ackerman said Armin wasn't feeling well and had to go home.


Armin walked into the cold house by himself. Still upset. He made his way to his room and huddled up in bed. He didn't want to think about it or anything for that matter.

It wasn't long till Armin's grandpa got home. Armin had fallen asleep not long after getting home, so he was unaware of the arrival of his grandpa.

"Armin? Armin, please come down here," his grandpa called, waking him up.

Armin hurried down stairs. "Yes, grandpa," he said sleepily. 

"Armin, I'm afraid I have some bad news. I have to go on a business trip for about a month or more. But it'll make me more money, so I'll be able to provide more warmth for you."

Armin was surprised by the news. Part of him wanted him to go, but another part of him wanted him to stay since he was the only parental figure he had to count on.

"Okay. If you must go, you go. I support you no matter what, no matter how much I want you to stay."

"Oh, Armin," his grandpa walked over, patting him on the shoulder. "You getting so mature nowadays. It feels like your older than me!" 

Armin smiled at the comment. He loves his grandpa very much. He wishes nothing more than the best for him. 

The next day, his grandpa left for the trip. He wished him the best of luck and to come back soon. Then it was on to school, where he would have to face Eren and Annie.

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