Chapter 3

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Armin walked to school as normal, Eren's jacket in his backpack. He wished to give it to him before school, but hadn't seen him. It was Tuesday, the wait for Friday was agonizing. He just wanted it to be Friday, so he could cheer Eren on in his game. Alas, it wasn't Friday yet.

Class started as normal, still no sign of Eren. Of course it was homeroom, and they didn't have homeroom together. Mr.Smith's class was quite boring, but he still played attention. Most of his thoughts on Eren.

Mr.Ackerman. Math. The class Armin had long awaited. He knew for sure Eren would be in this class. He was. In the same spot. In front of his desk.

"Hey, Eren," Armin said walking up to him.

"Oh, hey."

"What's wrong, Eren?"

"Nothing. Just tired."

"Well, I have your jacket if you want it back. I forgot to give it back last night."

"Nah. Keep it. I was growing out of it anyway. Growth spurt, you know?"

"Right. Well, thought I'd ask." Armin sat down, a little embarrassed. At least he confronted Eren. With this crush, he couldn't think of getting anywhere near him.

-After Class-

The bell had rung. Students piling out the classroom. Armin beginning to head out with them, even though he wasn't gonna hang with any of them.

"Armin," Mr. Ackerman called out.

Armin turned towards his teacher. Mr. Ackerman. A very stoic man. Not east to read, but in Mr. Ackerman's eyes, he could read every emotion on someone's face. Just by looking at a student, Mr. Ackerman could tell somethings up.

"Yes sir?"

"Something is bothering you, isn't it?"

"I'm not gonna lie, sir. Something is bothering me. It's childish though. I'll get over it." Armin gave a small smile and rubbed his head.

"I don't care. See me for lunch. Please."

Armin nodded, knowing he wasn't getting out if this. With that, he left the classroom on to the next class.


Armin appeared at Mr. Ackerman's classroom door. Nervous, was the only way to describe him. He never got called for lunch with a teacher or anything for that matter. He was basically a wallflower.

Despite his worries, he knocked. A faint reply was heard, letting him in. He entered to find Mr. Ackerman and Professor Hanji.

"Armin. Please come in. Take a seat," Mr.Ackerman said calmly despite his coworker screaming in his ear asking about what he's doing.

"Sir, if I may ask, why is Professor Hanji here?"

Armin sat down in front of Mr.Ackerman's desk. He began to feel nervous as he fiddled with his thumbs.

"Don't mind her. She loves eating with me."

"I mean as your future wife(I don't ship it. I want Levi to myself) I of course want to eat with you. Now quit being mean Levi and love me!"

Professor Hanji jumped on his lap, hand around his neck, whining.

"Stop it. I need to talk to my student. Anyway, what's been bothering you Armin?"

"Well, I have a crush. In fact, I've had this crush for quite a while now. I know the chances of us being together were slim, but it hurt me to find out that he likes someone else."

Armin looks at his lap, tears threatening him.

"Awww!!! Levi! He's in love. So cute," Hanji yelled practically in Levi's ear, smiling at Armin. Armin blushed at the comment.

"Well, I'm gonna take a guess, but is your crush Eren," Levi said, staring right at Armin.

"How did you?"

"It was obvious. The way you look at him, the fact that you up at all his games even if he doesn't acknowledge you. It's quite the thing you have going on between you."

"I wouldn't call it a thing, sir. Like I said, he likes someone else."

"He looks at you too, you know. I see it. Especially yesterday, when your were talking. His eyes stared right at your as if he couldn't look anywhere else. As if your eyes were an ocean and he was lost in it."

"See! They're in love," Hanji cooed.

"But, he likes someone else. How could he like me?"

"Love is very strange, Armin. The heart wants what it wants. Maybe he's ignoring the feelings, maybe he doesn't realize that he likes you. You just got too trust him," Hanji said calmly for once. It was like she see something Armin couldn't see himself.

"Hanji is right for once, but for now I'd let him do his thing. He'll realize his heart wants something different than his teenage mind. Trust me, the way he looks at you is no joke. Now, off you go. Hanji is getting impatient."

"Right. Thank you sir and thank you Professor Hanji for all your help."

Armin then left the classroom. Feeling better about his situation.

"That boy sure likes Eren, doesn't he Levi," Hanji questioned.

"He sure does. I see it everyday."

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