Chapter 4

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The autumn breeze flies throughout the air as Armin heads home. The colder months approaching. Armin shivers to the cold, his light jacket not enough. It was even colder at home. His grandpa was struggling with bills lately.

Armin went inside the tiny house he occupied with his grandfather. It was indeed cold. No heat. He immediately went up stairs to start on homework. He also had a student council meeting to prepare for.


Mikasa- Hey! Wyd

Armin- nothing. You?

Mikasa- I'm coming over

Armin- k

-Real life-

Mikasa lived with Eren. She was adopted. They only lived down the street, about a three minute walk. It was nice living close too them. They all grew up together. Even though they grew apart.

Armin heard a knock at the door. Quickly running downstairs to open it.

"Hey, Mikasa," Armin said, opening the door for her. She stepped in and immediately went to Armin's room. He followed her.

"So," she started, "What have you been up too? Saw you in Mr.Ackerman's class."

"Oh! He just wanted to talk. I didn't get in trouble or anything."

"What did you talk about?"

Mikasa sat on his desk chair, spinning a bit. Armin sat down in front of her on his bed.

"Nothing. You know he can read faces well. He figured something was bothering me."

"What was bothering you?"

"You're not gonna let this go, are you?"

"Nope. Tell me. I'm your friend."

Armin looked down for a bit. "Don't hate me, but I like Eren. I've like him for a long time now."

Mikasa didn't seem fazed by the news. "I knew that. I mean, the way you look at him."

"You're not mad?"

"Nah. I support you. I might like him, but I might like someone else now."

"Oh! Who?"

"Jean," she mumbles.

"Jean? Really?"


Armin chuckled a bit, but held back most of his laughter. The rest the night they talked about their lives and clubs. Over all general stuff.

"I'm thinking about getting a job," Armin says after a moment of silence.


"To help Grandpa. He's having trouble paying the bills. We have no heat right now. Clearly."

"Makes sense. If you need any help, let us know. Okay?" Mikasa gave Armin a small smile. Armin nodded in response.

"Well, I'm off. We still have school," Mikasa said, collecting her things and heading out the door.

"Kay. Bye!" Armin waves. She waves back.

Armin laid down in his bed.

'Mikasa is a great friend,' he thought. 'I'm lucky to have her.'

With that, Armin fell asleep.

The next day was Wednesday. Two days till Friday. Armin got up, showered, ate, and was out the door. Like normal. His Grandpa had already left for work. He was used to being alone.

Armin thought of possible jobs that would hire him on his way to school. While deep in thought, Eren and Mikasa walked by his side.

"Hey, Armin," Eren said, seeming very happy this morning. Normally he was grumpy as he had to get up so early.

"Hello, Mikasa, Eren. You seem happy this morning," Armin replied, putting his thoughts on hold.

"You know how I told you I liked Annie?"

Armin nodded.

"Well, we are dating now! Can you believe it," Eren yelled, breaking Armin's heart. Shattering it into millions of tiny pieces.

"Did you have to yell so loud," Mikasa complained. "You're louder than my music, dumbass!"

"Shut up! Anyway, you happy for me Armin? Huh?"

Armin nodded. "Y-yea," he lied. In reality, his heart was shattered. Nothing could fix it. While he remembered Mr.Ackerman's words yesterday, he couldn't help but hurt at the words.

They reached school slower than Armin hoped for. He didn't want to hear Eren talk about Annie. Not to mention he was going to see her later at the meeting. He just wanted to run and cry. Blocking out the world..

They all went their own ways. To homeroom it was. He couldn't wait to see Mr.Ackerman. He felt as if he could only talk to him and Mikasa.

Class felt like forever. Armin couldn't think. All he wanted to do was cry. Soon he reached Mr.Ackerman's door. Finally. He was so close to crying.

"Armin," his teacher called out. "Today's class is a free hour. What are you doing here?"

"I needed a place too cry. Eren is dating Annie." Armin's tears fell as he closed the door. He fell to his knees in an instant. Putting his hand over his mouth to muffle the cries.

"Armin" Mr.Ackerman's voice was filled with sorrow as he walked over to his student, kneeling down and holding him close.

"Everything will be alright, Armin."

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