The Perfect Potter

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Request : Hi, I was wondering if you could write something where the reader is James' little sister and she doesn't feel like she's good enough for the family and is just really down about it when one Remus or Sirius find out and comfort her and they tell James and he talks to her? If not it's okay!

Pairing: Remus x reader x Sirius? (It's not a pairing but just a mention)


Being James' younger sister was a torture. Since the first day you came to Hogwarts you were in his shadow. Not only in school but at home too. He was always the golden boy. The true Gryffindor with great friends and Prefect badge. Most people didn't even know your name, mostly you were known as James' little sister and you hated it.

It's not that you hated James. He was a great older brother. Yes he was annoying like other brothers but the two of you went along just fine. Sirius was your brother just as much as James' . You loved to have him around. He was a fun person, but never you thought of him as more. You knew his reputation way too well.

Even if you were placed in Hufflepuff, you still hung out with all of his friends, but every year it got harder. It got harder hiding the jealousy. Since the day he became Prefect everything was about James.

'We are so proud of our James. Such a smart and hardworking boy. He became Prefect this year and we hope next year he'll be Head boy. Since the day we heard he was placed in Gryffindor we couldn't be happier for our little boy.' your parent's words echoed in your head.

It was a torture. Honestly. You hated it.


You were staring at the piece of paper for five minutes. You couldn't believe it. Four words and one letter. "I failed."

"Don't worry about it. I bet McGonngal will give you an essay or something to fix it." comforted you friend, who got and O.

"I got a P. Poor. That's impossible." you perplexed and looked over to your friend.

"Just talk to McGonngal. She loves James I bet you can get an easy pass on this."

There it was again. James. Always James. You were so full of it.

You grabbed your books and your quill and stormed out of the class. You felt tears rolling down your cheeks and now you were already running. How could you fail Transfiguration? That wasn't possible.

Suddenly when you were about to turn around the corner you bumped into someone. You looked up to see two Marauders with a big smile on their faces.

"Sorry. " you mumbled and pushed past them. You couldn't deal with them right now.

Remus and Sirius looked at eachother and decided to run after you. You heard their steps behind, so you quickened your pace and started wiping your tears away. Not them.

But they were too fast for you and cought on. Sirius grabbed your arm and turned you around. " (y/n)?" he asked, seeing your red and buffy eyes. "What's wrong?"

You put on a fake smile and looked at the both of them. "I'm fine."

"You don't look fine." said Remus and glanced down at the crumbled piece of paper you were holding in your hand.

"I'm fine okay. Just leave me alone." you snapped and turned around to walk away but was stopped again by Sirius.

"You are supposed to be in class, not wondering around Hogwarts. You don't want James to know you're not in Transiguration, now do you?"

Merlin, again with the James. You couldn't take it anymore. "I don't give a bloody damn what James knows! He already thinks he's better than me! Everybody does! Oh look it's (y/n), James' little sister. Oh look James became a Prefect along with his two best friends, we are so proud! James, such a great Seeker! James with all the perfect grades! James this, James that! I AM JUST SO SICK OF HEARING IT! So what if I didn't get in Gryffindor and became Prefect. There's no way I'll become now with this P in Transifuration!" you burst and threw the crumbled paper in Remus chest. "I guess I'll never be good enough." you finished and stormed out

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