If I can't have you, nobody can - pt. 5

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James didn't feel what he used to feel when he was walking with you. He used to feel loose and at home whenever he was by your side. After his confession, he didn't feel at ease, or at home... most likely, he felt embarrassed.

You had felt his discomfort but to you it wasn't embarrassing. It was funny.

"So you had doted on me for all years in Hogwarts?" you teased, looking into his eyes and grinning.

He eased the tension on his forehead and rolled his eyes. "First of all I didn't dote- who still uses that word anyway." he scoffed and you let out a laugh. "And you were the one who fancied me back- probably thought of me naked on many occasions." he puffed out his chest proudly, grinning as well.

"Oh, I have." you started to praise him a bit, catching him off guard. "No, no, of course I have." you continued. "Like those X-ray scans, whenever you came from Quidditch practice all sweaty and heated." you stopped in front of him, pressing your hands on his chest and looking up at him seductively. He swallowed hard as he didn't know what to do with his hands, nor his lungs that forgot how to accept oxygen. "And your front hair would fall on your forehead. You'd flirt with me on multiple occasions and look at me with those gorgeous eyes-" you'd wrap your hands around his neck and felt your own chest tighten. You captured yourself in the moment, forgetting where all the teasing led into arrousing you, just as well as his did.

His eyes that you had described before as gorgeous; such a plain and dull word for his lustful, magical eyes. It couldn't come close to how much they draw you in- especially to his lips; his soft, sharp and plump lips that moved closer and closer to you.

Trying to snap out of it- of this daze, this magical moment you had let yourself in- half regretful, half blessed to have done it.

"I don't think you know what you're doing to me right now, (y/n)." he let out a groan, pressing his hot forehead onto yours and breathing heavily.

"I don't think I know what I'm doing either..." you breathed out just as heavily, looking up at him with those innocent yet yearning eyes that caused his lips to crash onto yours.

No, they did not press or touch or grazed upon your lips. They crashed onto yours with burning desire and exploding your soul into bitses of the Universe.

You had wanted to stay sane, pushing him slightly away and trying to speak but when you saw him standing there all of those logical, real thoughts melted into longing for him to be with you and only you. No other person crossed your mind.

"What?" he took your hands into his as he had seen you doubt but there was no doubt a second later. No second thoughts, only approval... your approval. "Thought so." he grinned devilishly and the two of you apparated from the street into his apartment.

James knew he was doing wrong. Oh, he knew how wrong he did by Lily but as awful as he had felt, he felt just as good watching you lay there by his side.

Your hand- YOUR hand... the hand he has dreamed for a long time to touch him and caress him as it did in this moment felt more perfect to him than any hand in his life had ever felt.

You moved away the ruffled hair from his face to the back of his head or behind his ears. You had watched this gorgeous- no. Not gorgeous. This magnificent man look like a God next to you. As much as you teased him about it before, you were the one doting over him. How could you ever imagine such a beautiful, wonderful man love a woman like you. Yes, you had dreamed and pondered the thought of the two of you together over the last years in Hogwarts but nothing has prepared you for the moment, where your wish came true and it was far more fulfilling than you had ever imagined it to be.

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