Rewrite the Stars

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REQUEST @lilypraimheda : Hello there queen of angst! I don't know if you take request, but I had this in my head for a while and I absolutely LOVE your writing so I figured I could ask ! I was thinking about a James Potter x Slytherin reader where they are nemesis but with a crush on each other and they end up hooking up in secret but the marauders and Lily confronts him about it and he gets annoyed and tries to prove them wrong by pranking the reader but goes too far and hurts her! Sorry for the bad English I'm French!

SONG INSPO: Zac Efron, Zendaya - Rewrite the Stars


The best seat in class was always the second row from the back, next to the windows. It was perfect for somebody like James Potter. He wouldn't be on professor's eye but he also wouldn't be missed by it as well. Because if James Potter needed something to live by, was attention.

Since the First year, he wanted nothing more but catch your attention. The pretty girl who sat in the middle row, a desk in front of him but enough for him to keep his eye on you. The First year you haven't even noticed him until he started to throw tiny pieces of eraser into you. You started to get frustrated with him but you never switched seats because of it. What you did was snitch on him instead and he could never forget the pleased, evil look in your eyes when you did. God, his eleven year old body could have never been filled with more rage than that day.

Since then, he would constantly tease you, pull your pony tail whenever you put your hair up and even embarrass you in front of the whole class. The good thing about you was that you were enough intimidating to everybody that nobody dared to make fun of you, unless it was the Gryffindor asshole.

It wasn't up until the Fourth year when you started to get more sassy back at him. Before, it were always your eyes that cut knives into him but from Fourth year on, it were your words that started to cut deeper than your eyes ever could.

You were better than him, he was better than you. A competition between two people, two houses, two teams... all because he threw chunks of erasers in you in that First year. Neither of you wanted to let each other have anything by themselves. You took Quidditch from James, becoming Chaser yourself on the Ravenclaw team and he took Care of Magical Creatures way too serious.

You wouldn't even let him be the Head Boy alone. You had to become the Head Girl yourself and you had to admit to yourself, if it wasn't for James, you wouldn't have had pushed yourself so hard in achieving things as you did. And the same went for James. He remembers spending a whole four days, cramming for Herbology exam that was your academic strength and his academic weakness.

When the class was over, he ran from his group of friends, to stop in front of you. "An E, (y/l/n)? Only an E?" he quirked his eyebrow at you, fanning himself with his own paper. "Got a bit distracted during the exam by my handsome good looks?" he wiggled his eyebrows, meanwhile you only narrowed your eyes a little and smiled.

"Actually it was your awful odour of socks and sweat." you brushed past him and his O paper. "Reckon your mum never thought you how to shower after practice." you turned around and sent him a wink, walking forwards and leaving him smiling defeated there for a bit.

And before you knew it, he was waiting for you around the corner. His secret apparating skills, of course. How could you ever not be annoyed by that? The corridor was empty and he was standing closely to you.

"We're bringing mothers into this, are we, (y/l/n)?"

"Into what?" you asked innocently, causing him to close the little space between the two of you. "What are you doing, Potter?" you asked as he continued to come closer to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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