The Effect - pt. 4

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"They are soon about to be." Remus growled through his teeth, grabbing the first pillow at his reach and throwing it at the two of you. "YOU BLOODY WAKE UP! YOU-" he crawled on the top of the two of you and continued to hit both with the pillow. "I WAS-"

"Remus-" yo usaid, shielding yourself with your arms.

"WORRIED SICK-" he kept hitting James next to you, who didn't budge, just accepted his fate. "-BOUT YOU TWO-"

"Remus!" you shouted, grabbing the pillow from his hand and starting to hit him back. "FUCKING! SHUT! UP!" you hit him inbetween each word,leaning back and huffing. "I'm exhausted." you added, blowing the strand that kept falling in front of your eyes.

"You're exhausted?!?" his voice was high pitched. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE-YOU-" he pointed his finger at you and later at James who kept sleeping on his stomach, pulling in snores. "AND YOU!" he pointed at him while James lazily opened his eyes and loomed at Sirius who sat on the desk chair and ate his chocolate raisins.

"You're just gonna watch?" he mumbled and Sirius grinned.

"It's entertaining." he threw one raisin at his cheek and chuckled.

James was too tired for this. He was a teenage boy who needed sleep more than any human possible. And without that sleep, he was just an existing soul with no energy. He sat up, rubbed his eyes and yawned.

He looked at you and Remus and listenedbto you bicker.

"YOU DISAPPEAR!!! POOF!!" Remus continued to shout, throwing his hands in front of your face. "FOR FOUR DAYS AND YPU EXPECT ME TO NOT WORRY! "

"I DIDN'T POOF!" you did the same hand gestures as he did. "I HAD A PLAN!"


"What gave you that idea?" you said quiter, furrowing your eyebrows at him.

Remus stared. He just stared. The diary, the fry out. Almost as if he had every reason to spit in front of you but kept quiet because he just couldn't believe you asked him that.

"I will strangle you. Like... Now."

"Moony." James finally cut in and before Remus could rise up at him, James already soke. "We healed her of lycontraphy."

"I DON'T CARE-" he stopped, focusing his gaze on James, then on you, switching to Sirius on the chair, who followed Remus' lead. "You what?"

"We don't know that yet." you got on your feet and stretched your arms. "Just because I didn't turn this full moon, does not mean I won't transform the next." you turned to James, who sat up and stretched his arms as well.

"But you couldn't claw me. You couldn't growl and what was all that blood?"

"What blood?" Remus was standing up in front of you.

"There was no blood." you lied, eyeing James and walking towards the door. "And Remus can we talk about this later? I am so exhausted I might faint."

"Makes two of us." James followed you to the door, took a hold of your hand and smiled gently. "See you later." he kept holding your hand, soothing you with his eyes.

"Yeah, sure." you smiled foolishly, your hand barely lettin go of his as you walked out of the room.


You couldn't stop thinking of him. James. He was the only thing that was on your mind. James, James, James. What a pathetic human being to be.

But there you were, smiling like a goddamn fool. Walking in the hall and smiling to yourself. Everything was joy and only joy.

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