America and NK

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-----America and North Korea talking-----

NK: You may think yourself better than me, but i have handcuffs! *pulls out a pair of handcuffs*

America: And what are you going to do with those?

NK, swinging said handcuffs around: Well, first i'd put the- *handcuffs accidently lock around NK's wrists*

America, trying not to laugh: -em around your own wrists?

NK, struggling to free himself: No, i was just showing you what i'm going to do to you, now where did i put the keys for this?

America: you put handcuffs on yourself and don't have a key?

NK: No! I have them somewhere in one of my pockets *attempts to reach his back pocket, but can't*

America, smirking: Don't worry, i have the backup keys.

NK: What backup keys? I didn't make any spare keys for these handcuffs

America, holding up some bolt cutters: backup keys

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