Scotland, England, Ireland

150 5 6

Inspired by Scandinavia and the world


England: I've created this new union (UK) you should join

Ireland: how about no

England: *attempts to tranq ire*

Ire: what are you doing?

Eng: why isn't this working?!? *Keeps shooting tranq darts*

Ire: would you stop that?

Eng: oh bloody hell *gets a big stick and wacks ire over the head to knock him out*

Ire: *is unconscious*

Eng: finally


Ire: *wakes up* what happened?

Scotland: so he got you to?

Ire: he hit me over the head

Scot: did he try using tranquilizers with you as well?

Ire: yea, they didn't work.

Scot: perhaps his tranq is faulty?

Ire: probably


Redheads need more anesthesia than most people, and (after googling this) Scotland has the highest rates of red haired people (13%) in the world, with Ireland at second (10%)

And england would probably be the kind of person to try something like this, although he didn't tranq many people after this

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