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Final Battle


A voice behind them called their attention back to the street behind them.

"Legolas. Legolas Greenleaf!"

The sorcerer exclaimed, seeing the elf riding fast towards them. Tauriel mounted behind him.

"There is a second army."

The prince told them with apprehension, getting off his white steed with the guard.

"What? What do you mean?"

Arya immediately asked.

"Bolg leads a force of Gundabad Orcs. They are almost upon us."

He hurried to explain.

"Gundabad? Ahh. This was their plan all along. Azog engages our forces, then Bolg sweeps in from the north."

The sorcerer stated.

"What? Th...the north? Where is the north exactly?"

Bilbo exclaimed from behind their backs, drawing upon himself their worried looks.


Gandalf replied in a bitter tone.

"Ravenhill? Thorin is up there. And Fili and Kili! They're all up there!"

The hobbit continued, now clearly alarmed.

"We must warn them, Gandalf, and we must do it now. They are about to be overrun."

Arya intervened with a firm voice, able to hide the fear and panic that were slowly making their way into her heart.

"Yes, they will need help..."

The sorcerer murmured, while looking around.

"If it's Thranduil you're looking for, Gandalf, then you're wasting your time! It's already a miracle that he fought before, he will waste no more elvish blood, not for Thorin."

The woman called back his attention and threw him a strict glance.

"Arya is right. I have respect for my king, but he would rather run than help the dwarves, he considers himself too superior to them."

Upheld Tauriel, whit a gloom look on her face. Legolas remained quiet, but his eyes were the eyes of those who are aware of an uncomfortable truth.

"I'll go. I'll go to Ravenhill."

Bilbo then affirmed, straightening his back.

"No way. No way."

The wizard cut him short.

"Gandalf, someone needs to warn them."

The hobbit immediately protested.

"It's out of the question, they'll kill you."

Argued the sorcerer.

"No, they won't."

Arya asserted firmly, earning questioning glances from both.

"He's not going alone."

She then added. Her words were followed by a loud roar and Viseryon landed on the walls just behind them.

"Anyone need a ride?"

The dragon asked ironically in the woman's mind, who smiled as she approached it. The halfling followed her, unsure of what to do.

"Come on, Bilbo, we don't have time for this."

The woman stated as she climbed on the animal's back and then helped the fearful hobbit do the same. The dragon bowed on its legs and detached itself from the ground, heading for Ravenhill.

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