*family lū'au

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As soon as Asher parks the Jeep , Pedro makes his way to open my door and kisses my cheek ,"this is a way of greeting ."

After a few more kisses from Pedro's family we learn that this is actually a family lū'au for Pedro's grandson Alexandros , this is to celebrate his first birthday . Ummm why are we here you ask ? We are wondering that to .

Khalani , Lani ,Malia ,Pedro's daughters leads me into the house asking me to take off my shoes , and follow them into a room .

"This is a mu'umu'u , basically a loose floral dress , one of our customs ." Lani explains ,oh she wants me to wear this .

The dress is loose and fits perfectly , stylish and comfy . After Khalani puts a hibiscus in my hair we go outside once again .

I giggle when i find Ash crimson cheeked wearing a shirt with the exact pattern of my dress , bare footed with dress pants with mini grass lei's round his wrists.

Khalani picks up little Alexandros and gives him a lei . The little boy holds the lei in his chubby hands and places it around my neck , then does the same to Ash and gives us each a kiss on our cheek . Khalani hands me her chubby baby and i hold the little guy on my hip .

I look at Ash and i see sadness cross his features before he hides it with a smile .

The chubby little man starts playing with my hair , his so cute with his chocolate brown eyes big full with wonder .

Pedro offers me a seat and i take it sitting next to Ash , i sit the little chubby birthday boy on my lap and i start tickling the little man .

His giggle fills the air , and all the people stare at him and i in adoration .

"You are probably wondering why we invited you to such an occasion , but here in Hawaii ohana 'family ' is extremely important blood or not as long as you are a friend you are considered to be part of the ohana . Its also an advantage for you to get a taste of our culture !" Pedro explains , oohh okay that makes sense .

" ʻaina ahiahi." Koa, Pedro's wife announces and everyone starts standing making their way to the feist while Ash and i sit there like two sore thumbs .

"She means dinner ." Khalani explains .

"This is buffet of Hawaiian food ,kālua pork, lomi salmon, rice, poke and poi. "Khalani points to every dish .

She offers to take her chubby man and i let him go .

I look at Ash and his already dished up , men .

After dinner everyone gathers around and takes a seat .

"This is what we call a fire knife dance ." As he says those words shirtless tattooed men in what i would refer to as a skirt start twirling what looks like blades that are on fire .

"This is cool , you think i could do that ?" Ash whispers in my ear , and i giggle .

"Nope ."

"You lucky there is no source of water to throw you into ." This makes me smack his arm , while i laugh and he chuckles still keeping his eyes trained on the show before us .

After the show , Lani , Khalani , Koa , Malia , Leilani invite me to stand and try doing the hula .

I shake my head , i may preform in front of millions of people but this ....

"I dare you !" Ash chuckles .

Its a dare !

I stand up and everyone cheers , i start to sway my hips trying to mirror Lani , while i move my hands like waves . I think i am starting to get the hang of this . Their hips start moving faster and i abruptly stop and watch in wonder how they move their so quick , everyone chuckle when they see my startled expression .

The dance comes to an end , and i am breathless the girls don't even look like they did anything as they stand there with broad smile while everyone claps .

"H...how do you do that ?" I try catching my breath , they all just giggle ,"we have trained for years , this is not just a dance but a story ."

"Interesting ," Ash wraps an arm around me . I feel my dress move and i look down to find chubby fingers wrapped around the hem of the floral dress tugging to get my attention . He moves his arms in a gesture for me to pick him up . I am surprised Alexandros is still awake its probably after nine .

I pick him up and he wraps his soft baby arms around my neck laying his curls on my chest . I inhale his baby scent , there is something about the scent of babies .

"You sleepy little man ?" I run my fingers in his hair mirroring his action , except his twirling my curls with his finger .

"Come i rock you to bed Alex ." Khalani reaches for her baby , he stirs in my arms holding me tighter ," i can rock him ." Khalani smile at me as i go to sit back on my chair .

Ash sits besides me , with a pained look in his eyes . "You okay ?"

He hides his emotions when he says yeah.

Alexandros stirs in my lap as he gets comfy still stroking my hair .

"Hush little baby , don't you cry , i am gonna sing you a lullaby , close those googly eyes let my voice send you into a peaceful slumber , hush little baby don't you stir , i am gonna sing you a lullaby till you close your googly eyes and fall into a peaceful slumber . "

These words slip from my mouth , this is not a song i just made up now , no its so familiar , these words have rolled off my tongue before. I get the sudden urge to breakdown and just cry . A single tear escapes , Ash catches it but i do not get a glimpse at his eyes . i blink the tears back . Alexandros breathing has changed and his chubby fingers have stopped moving . I contiue to stroke his curls and rock him swallowing the lump in my throat ,"i will be right back ." Ash stands and just walks away past the palm trees , i am guessing towards the water .

I look around me and i see everyone staring at me , i flush when Khalani gives me a small smile offering to take the now fast asleep baby from my arms . As soon as he is removed from my body i feel a chill where his body was , his warmth gone .

I look where Ash walked off too seeing nothing except palm trees swaying with the cool breeze .

"His gone to the beach ." Pedro points past the palm trees .

"Thank you ," i smile at him as i push through the heavy sand towards the direction Ash went . I feel an overwhelming need to be near him right now .

Authors note :

Mixed emotions ....

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