I can explain

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Okay, now the latest chapter of Stutter seems confusing, i know. But now i'm here to explain. In the mindscape you can alter reality so all their bad memories are forever erased and never happened. Their being Cam and Sophia. So, basically, they didn't fight, ever. Cam, honestly would remain the same. But Sophia wouldn't. Those fights made her monotonous, sarcastic, and serious. And without those fights, and or bad memories, she would just be a very happy person who's goal is to make everyone smile, since that was who she was before she met Cam in sixth grade.

She wasn't so close to Stan. Why? Because their personalities now differ from each other, making them contrast and un-relatable. But relating to each other was one of the things that made them close. But since Sophia is now a person who wants to make people smile, and Stan's current state doesn't make him smile, Sophia now grows curious of Stan and decides to get close with him, and make him have a positive outlook on life more often.

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