This is it toolkit.

21 3 10

Hey guys,



This is it.

My last Wattpad post and the last thing i'll ever type in this world 'cause who knows what i might be typing in heaven- no wait, i sit at hell's throne, shoving satan off of his seat. Anyways, and all i got to say is that i love you and...




Hold on, i can't find it...




This is taking longer than i thought..




Where is it? Why can't i find my suicide letter thingy?




Oh, there it is! Found it!!




Now, anyways...





Bet you figured out that one since it's pretty fucking obvious. But before any of you start shoving broomsticks up on my ass, let me explain.

So, yeah, i felt kinda depressed for the last few weeks, or for the last month or so and i kinda considered self-harm, or even killing myself. I just really felt like shit that time. (Tbh, i always feel like shit so there's that. Lmao) and i don't think i need to explain why i felt like shit since i already told you that my parents always get mad at me even if i did nothing wrong, my 'friends' probably don't like me, me thinking that i'm just never good enough 'cause i have enough proof that i am not good enough, and basically it's just the usual thing of my thoughts killing me slowly, it's a normal, it's all good, and it's just a natural process of life for me.

This wasn't actually supposed to be a prank at first, but then i checked the calendar like, yesterday and saw April fools is nearing, and i was like, what should i do? (Btw, by that time i felt less depressed) and i was like, oh maybe i should just use my whole drama as a prank since now i feel better and less shitty.

And sorry if i wasted your time on me during those times i felt more of a wreck than i usually am.

And so, this happened.

Good news, i'm not quitting Wattpad, nor committing suicide, yay! (Although, i think some of you wanted me to quit and just kill myself, sorry, maybe next time. Lmao)

And in other news, i'm posting two new rps, Fairy tail, and a School idol group rp soon enough. And maybe, i'll post more stories, so watch out for that one.


I actually have a surprise for you guys..

And i've been working on it since last week, but i actually stopped since you all know the reason anyways, but probably later on, i might post that surprise. I'll tell you what it is once i posted it.

But some of you may not care about that surprise, because not all of my readers are South park fans *hint hint*

Oops, i almost forgot to mention those people who tried to comfort me, gave me advice, and just tried to talk me out of this- suugei , Princess-Bebe , _ChibiNinjaTurtle_ , shawn_effin_mendes , BriarRaven8680 , and one of my best friends since nursery that doesn't have Wattpad (she does actually, but it won't really be effective if i tag her, but either way, she won't see it.), Priscilla.

Also, how should i react now that i'm almost two years here in Wattpad?

Anyways, that's all.

K, bye!

~( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)~

Ms. Page Turner

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