My top ten weird/est (?) habits

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Hey, so i wanted to list things. And then i thought about my weird habits. And i have a lot of them. Yes, i'm a weirdo. And y'all know that, right? Yesterday, we went to the mall and i saw a sweater that has 'WEIRDO' printed on it. And. I. Fell. In. Love. With. It. I wanted it so bad, but i recently had a sweater that was so fricken' adorable. And my parents said it was the perfect sweater for me. If i just didn't have a new sweater. And if it just wasn't summer here. But rainy days are coming close, right? Oh, wait. Out of topic, sorry. Anyways, top ten weird habits of mine ain't a tab, but it's okay if you want to do it. Let's do this. Here we go. 3... 2... 1... TOP TEN WEIRD HABITS COMMENCE.

10.) Biting the inner cheek
I don't even know why i do this. I just do. I don't want cheek bones, nor thinner cheeks, not even fish lips. Ew.

9.) Random switch of moods
Yeah, this is not just because of puberty. But i've always been like that. I'm just weird like that. There'll be that one minute i'll cry, then laugh, AND THEN SHOUT. Sorry not sorry.

8.) Wearing warm clothing on even the hottest days
Since i do love jackets and sweaters. That happen.

7.) Busting out different accents and pitches
My voice is really weird. I can't pronounce the letter 'R' really well. And i'm used to speaking in english. Earning myself some kind of accent. It sort of sounds like a weak Bronx accent. Hahahahahahha. But i'm sort of into voice acting, that's why i just spontaneously let out different voices that i can do.

6.) Singing out of nowhere
I know my life isn't a musical. I know i'm not a singer. But i really love singing. And who says you have to be good at doing the things you love and enjoy? (A lot of people. Professionals.) Oh... Anyways. So yeah, i do just sing at random times when i flippin' damn well please.

5.) Talking poetically
I'm not that of a literate person, but i do love poems. And i go as far as... Yes, talking poetically.

4.) DRAW.
I'm not that of a good artist, right? But if i'm really left with nothing to do and i'm literally bored out of my face, i'll grab a pen and a paper. Then... You guessed it, write songs-- oh, no wait. DRAW.

3.) My brain farts
Now this is how i think of my stories, songs, and poems... Random brain farts and thoughts.

My thoughts if this is what i wrote:
Light-hearted stories and poems, some sort of love songs: I'm happy, excited, amused, relaxed; and relieved. Prolly thinking about either pizza or Rollo Weeks. But mostly Rollo Weeks.
Serious-toned poems and songs, stories like Dollhouse and Fake Royalty: I'm probably in deep thoughts atm.

2.) When stressed
So, if things don't get in my way. I pinch the bridge of my nose and forcefully close my eyes... Letting out a prolonged sigh. Yeah...

1.) Hands in pocket, slightly slouchy, and monotonous voice
It's a mannerism of mine to do this. A LOT OF COURSE.

When i listen to music, even if both of my headphones work, i don't use the right headphone. I just take it off and stick it on the ipad. Since magnet. Idekw.

So, those are my weird habits. You liek? You relate? Anyways... That's all. K, bye!


Ms. Page Turner

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