Mah fandoms' hunger games

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The bloodbath:

As the tributes stand on their podium, the horn sounds.

Scpio and Silver fight for a bag. Scipio gives up and retreats,
Prosper and Twilight run away from the Cornucopia.
Shadow retrieves a trident from inside the Cornucopia,
Avery runs away from the Cornucopia.
Tails clutches a first aid kit and runs away,
Pinkie pie and Applejack run away from the Cornucopia.
Mosca grabs a backpack and retreats,
Stan (sp) runs away from the Cornucopia.
Tyler finds a bag full of explosives,
Stan (dwab) stays at the Cornucopia for resources.
Rainbow dash, Chloe, and Kyle run away from the Cornucopia,
Kenny takes a handful of throwing knives.
Cream rips out a mace out of Cartman's hands, (Now, i'm scared of Cream... :( )
Riccio kills Sonic as he tries to run. (Why am i not surprised? :/ )
Bo grabs a jar of fishing bait while Amy gets fishing gear, (FINALLY, TWO PEOPLE WHO KNOW HOW TO DO SH!T. These kids, man...)
Hornet stays at the Cornucopia for resources.

Day 1:

Applejack tries to sleep through the entire day,
Kyle tries to fish with a trident.
Stan (sp) picks flowers, (srsly, Stan? You're probably in a near death situation and all you could think of is flowers?? Gahd damn it...)
Silver practices his archery. (And so you're Katniss now? Beautiful. You're beautiful Silver.)
Prosper picks flowers, (YOU TOO?)
Shadow poisons Rainbow dash's drink. She drinks it and dies. (Still. Not. Surprised.)
Bo and Tyler hunt for other tributes,
Scipio constructs a shack.
Pinkie pie sprains her ankle while running away from Twilight.
Kenny is pricked by thorns while picking berries, (It's okay, guys. He's used to it.)
Chloe,Cream, and Stan (dwab) hunt for other tributes. (AWWW, CUTIES~! Not so scared anymore.)
Cartman throws a knife into Avery's chest, (Expected.)
Tails and Amy make a slingshot. (This makes perfect sense.)
Mosca makes a wooden spear,

3 canon shots can be heard from a distance.
Sonic- District 2
Rainbow Dash- District 3
Avery- District 4

Night 1:

Tyler passes out from exhaustion.
Twilight is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth, (no magic, huh?)
Mosca cooks his food before putting out his fire.
Bo attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful, (Awww, bby. :( )
Cartman and Tails go to sleep.
Chloe and Shadow run into each other and decided to truce for night,
Riccio and Amy talk about the tributes still alive.
Pinkie pie cooks her food before putting her fire out,
Scipio and Hornet cry themselves to sleep. (Fcking pussies. Loljk, not pussies. Just crybabies. Like me. I'd prolly do same.)
Stan (sp) repeatedly stabs Silver to death with sais, (DAMN, I'M NOT SCARED OF CREAM ANYMORE. BUT I'M DEFINITELY TERRIFIED OF STAN. *shudders* i'll tell Wendy on you! :( )
Kenny sets an explosive off, killing Cream, Prosper, and Stan (dwab). (Bc badass. But, buh-bye bro-chachos!)
Kyle stays awake all night, (prolly thinking of Stan. Xp)
Applejack thinks about home.

Day 2:

Applejack scares Cartman off, (how?)
Twilight tries to sleep through the entire day.
Shadow overpowers Pinkie pie, killing her, (Of course.)
Kyle sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
Hornet makes a slingshot,
Scipio begs for Tails to kill him. He refuses, keeping Scipio alive. (Good guy Tails.)
Bo receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor,
Chloe, Mosca, Amy, Riccio, and Kenny hunt for other tributes.
Stan (sp) receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor,
Tyler cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide. (God damn you, Tyler. You're the pussy here. Loljk, love you and your hair.)

6 canon shots can be heard from a distance.
Silver- District 7
Cream- District 12 (there goes Peeta. Loljk.)
Prosper- District 1
Stan (dwab)- District 4 (Now, there's only one Stan. No confusion, yay!)
Pinkie pie- District 3
Tyler- District 9

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