Reasons why

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Hello, people of the world, you know who i am. So, most of you probably noticed i haven't been rp-ing, and or updating that much, even if i have all the time in the world (not). First of all, I'M SO FUCKING SORRY, OKAY? Second, here's why-- usual reason: i'm busy, yes i am. Another usual reason: there's a big block in my brain that just stops me to do anything and lose all the motivation i have. And trust me, i have no motivation whatsoever even before, and now the 'block', who i now name Michael (no offense to the Michael's who're reading this) made it lesser (?). It was like .69% before. And now, it's liek -.69% and that's not even fucking possible. There's just a lot going on in my life, i'm pretty much sure most of you have a life outside Wattpad and are either having a good life or a bad life out there, there's no in-between. For those who are having a super fun time rn, good for you. Hope this super fun streak goes on as long as my d-- i mean, i have no dick. What are you looking at? Anyways, for those who are having worse than i do (mine's not that bad, i think, i'm just a really big crybaby and drama queen), you have my deepest sympathy and or empathy. Annyyywwwwaaaaayyyyyyysssssss, so, lel, i'mbasically torn-up between school, family, friends, mental/emotional health/state, and actually physical health too, and then there's my WTF, VITS life: Wattpad, Tumblr, Facebook; Vent, Instagram, Twitter, and Spotify life. Wattpad is there when i need a good fic to read, if i'm too lazy to get a book from my shelf, Tumblr is there to help me smile a bit, and make me realize more shit about life, Facebook is there for the sake of my social isolation (?) not to be worse, i guess; Vent is there to make me let out my emotions, Instagram just helps me share about my life, in hopes to make me feel better, Twitter... Idk what Twitter helps me out with at the moment, get updated on the trends? Loljk, even if i have Twitter i'm still an un-updated grandma who lives under a rock.. And Spotify just plays the songs that has the words i wish to speak, but can't. And music's the only thing i look forward to right now, next to food, and sleep. Anyways, that's all. K, bye!


Ms. Page Turner

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