Chapter Four

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Hyungwon and Hoseok got up from their seats once they had decided that they were going to go to the park. Just until it was time to go to the movies. They walked out of the cafe, saying goodbye to the staff as well as thanked them as they walked out. As they walked out, their hands intertwined with each other, something that happened automatically. Not that they minded because they liked holding hands with each other. Both using their free hand, they put their masks back on for the safety precaution of not getting caught by any potential fans that were out and about. There were more people out now than there were before, but then again, it was the usual time that people were either making their way to work or starting their work day. Either way, there were more people out now than there were before. The two males were happy though that they had the day off and could do what they wanted until they had to go back to work the next day. Hyungwon and Hoseok walked towards the park that they had talked about before. They occasionally stopped to have a look at a few of their favourite stores, though it was only for a minute or two before they would continue their way to the park.

They watched as everything went past, just until they had arrived at the park they had talked about. There were a few kids and teenagers in the park. There were some adults, both young and older adults.

"Looks like," Hyungwon said, "We weren't the only one that wanted to come to the park."

"It's ok though," the older male responded, "We can still enjoy our time here. They're not going to stop us from having fun while we're here." Because of that statement alone, the two of them began to walk through the park, avoiding the other people by walking around them. This was so that they wouldn't bump into the people that were also at the park. The park that they were at was one of the biggest parks within the city that they lived in. There were some that were nearly the same size but were ever so slightly smaller. Hyungwon and Hoseok preferred this particular park because there were a lot of things to do in this park. There was a playground, exercise equipment, a court area for basketball and netball, goals for football and soccer and many more things to do there. One of their favourite things to do there was to stand on the small bridge and look at the gigantic pond that the bridge crossed.

Every time they stood on the bridge, there would always be a flock of ducks swimming in the pond along with the occasional swan or geese. Naturally, Hyungwon and Hoseok made their way to the bridge, following the equipment that they needed to follow to get to the small bridge. Because of the amount of times that they have been to that park and stood on the bridge, it didn't take them that long to get to the small bridge. Like they had expected, there were ducks, a few swans and a few geese. The walked onto the bridge together and leaned against the railing on the left side as most of the aquatic birds were on the left side. It was a beautiful sight that the two of them loved seeing on days like this. Days where they didn't have to do recordings, choreographies, fan signings and everything else that came with being an idol. The two of them looked over at the aquatic birds that swarm in the pond below them. Some of the ducks dipped their heads underwater for a few seconds at a time and some of the swans and geese just swam around aimlessly. There were the occasional fight between species but, other than that, all the birds just swam peacefully and did their own thing. It was a relaxing sight for them to see and a lot of other people too as they came and went.

They spent roughly an hour at there park before they began to make their way to the cinema. While they still had a lot of time before their movie would start, they thought that they would arrive at the cinema early. It was better to be early rather than late or going at a time that would make them rush to get to the destination. So, making their way to the cinema now would avoid any of that. Both Hyungwon and Hoseok walked the way came and only changed direction when they had to as the cinema wasn't in the same direction as the cafe that they were in many moments ago. They managed to find the cinema, which then allowed them to walk inside. There were a few people who were lining up to get a movie ticket and some people were lining up to get snacks and drinks for the movie that they were watching.

"I'll pay for the tickets," Hoseok said, looking over at the younger.

"But you paid for them last time," the younger male whined.

"I know," Hoseok responded, "I promise you can pay for the movie tickets next time we see a movie. How does that sound?" Hyungwon thought about it for a moment, it taking him a few seconds before he came up with an answer.

"Ok," he replied, "I am holding you up to that promise." Once that was settled, Hoseok went to the ticket line while Hyungwon went to the snack line. This was done so that it could be done quicker and to save time. Of course there was the possibility of one having to wait for the other to get what they needed from their line, but it still saved the time of the both of him being in the same line together. It still saved time in some sense. The both of them had gotten through their lines, paying for only what they needed to before they met in the hallway that led to all the movie theatres that were in that particular cinema.

"Which theatre are we in?" Hyungwon asked. The older had a look at the movie tickets that were in his hand.

"We are in theatre seven," he answered, "So, it is the fourth one on the left." They walked down the hallway and walked past the numerous other movie theatres, some having their doors closed while others had open doors. The ones with closed doors had a sign on them that basically read that those theatres were getting cleaned from the previous movie sessions. They continued to walk down the hallway until they had arrived at theatre seven, in which they were able to walk straight in as the doors were open. There were a few other people in the theatre but that didn't bother the two because well, it was a highly rated movie and it had gotten a lot of positive reviews. The two of them decided to sit in the very back because it was always a better view when sitting in the back seats. Hoseok let the younger choose his seat first by letting him into the isle first. Hyungwon walked down the isle and sat down directly in the middle seat, something that the older had predicted since Hyungwon always did it when the middle seat was available.

Hoseok sat down next to the male and placed the two tickets into his pocket as he wouldn't need them for the current moment. The younger male placed the popcorn on the arm rest the was in-between the two of them as well as placed the drinks in the cup holders that were attached to the arm rests. Hoseok got his phone out of his pocket to check the time, seeing that they still had plenty of time before the previews even started. Because they still had plenty of time before the previews started, the two of them decided to quickly check every social media before hand, though that left a confused look on Hyungwon's face.

"Uh, Hoseokie," he stated, getting his boyfriend's attention, "You might want to have a look at this."

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