Chapter Three

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It took Hyungwon and Hoseok roughly fifteen minutes to arrive to their favourite breakfast place and as soon as they arrived, they immediately walked inside. The breakfast place, which was more of a cafe, had a few people in it but not that many people so the two of them were able to find a table near the window. They liked sitting near a window because it always added to the moment. Hoseok pulled out a chair for the younger, which made the younger blush as he sat down. The older sat down on the chair opposite Hyungwon, though kept his eye on his boyfriend. They loved having moments where they could just relax with each other and do what they wanted together instead of stressing out about line distributions, recordings, choreographies, dance practices, promotions, interviews and many more things that they would normally do if they were working on a comeback. So, having some down time with each other meant a lot to them and they always took full advantage of the down time that they have.

"Do you know what you are going to have?" Hyungwon asked, "Or do you need some time to think about it? Your mind seems to change every so often whenever we are able to come here."

"I know what I am going to have," Hoseok answered, chuckling a little bit because it was the truth, "I'm gonna have pancakes, like last time. What about you? What are you going to have? And don't worry, I am paying this time, so you can have whatever you want." Hyungwon began to think about what he wanted to have, looking through the menu as he thought. While he had been to the cafe with his boyfriend multiple times before on their days off, he did want to occasionally want to try something new after having the same thing for a while.

"I think," Hyungwon said, after some silence, "This time, I will have some toast and bacon."

"That sounds good," the older responded, "I might just have small pieces of your breakfast and don't worry, you can have some of mine as well if you want some." The younger smiled at what his boyfriend had said, knowing very well that they would most likely be sharing their breakfast with each other.

"You know very well," Hyungwon stated, "That I will have some of your pancakes." The two of them began to think about what drinks that they were going to have, though they already had an idea of what they wanted to have. Hoseok wanted to have a strawberry latte and Hyungwon wanted Dalgona milk tea. Once deciding on what they wanted to have, the older got up from his seat and went over to where the register was so that he could order for the two of them. He repeated the orders that him and the younger wanted to have before paying for it and getting the table number for the table. After paying for it and getting the table number, he walked back to the table that he was sitting at before, looking directly into Hyungwon's eyes as he sat down. The younger blushed a little bit as his boyfriend did so as he wasn't expecting it at all. The older always found ways to make his boyfriend blush and vice versa. It happened all the time and it was always done in many different ways, sometimes done in a creative way which always made each other blush more.

Hyungwon was the one to break the eye contact between him and the older as he felt his cheeks become warm from blushing at the fact that Hoseok had simply eye contact with him. While to some people, keeping eye contact wasn't something to blush about but the way that Hoseok looked into his eyes was in a loving way. That was the main reason why the younger always blushed unexpectedly. The two of them sat in silence for a moment, not knowing what to say. It wasn't until the younger began to speak as something had come to mind.

"What are the time sessions are there for Knives Out?" he asked.

"Uh, let me see," Hoseok answered, as he got his phone out of the pocket of his jeans. He typed in his password before going into an internet browser, searching for the time sessions for Knives Out. The exact time sessions were the first thing that had come up, so Hoseok looked the times so that he was able to tell the younger.

"So the times are," he began, "Ten thirty, one, four fifteen and seven fifteen." Hyungwon began to think. He of course didn't mind which time that they went to because just as long as he got to watch it with the older and the movie as they have been wanting to watch it for the longest time. He thought for a moment before deciding on a time.

"Lets go at ten thirty," he said, after sometime. The older agreed to go at ten thirty, which gave them two and a half to get to the cinema, which they didn't need two hours for because it was closer than they thought. The cinema that they would be going to was roughly a fifteen minute walk away from the cafe, so they wouldn't have to walk too far and they would get there ages before the previews even started. They had plenty of time before they needed to go to the cinemas to get the tickets and anything else that they wanted to get such as drinks and any snacks if they wanted any. Both Hoseok and Hyungwon continued to talk to each other, talking about anything and everything that had come to mind as whatever had come to mind had ended up being a conversation in it's own. As they talked, the drinks and the food that Hoseok had ordered for them had arrived, in which the both of them thanked the waitress for. Before they knew it, they had lowered their masks and they immediately began to drink and eat the food and drinks that were in front of them. The conversation that they were having before hand had now faded away, but that was mainly due to the fact that they were now eating. Though the conversations would briefly come back whenever they didn't have food in their mouths or weren't sipping their drinks.

Like he had said earlier, Hoseok had some of the younger's food, though the younger didn't mind because they did state it earlier that they would have some of each other's food. Not to forget that they did it at home as well, so it wasn't anything knew. In return, Hyungwon had some of the older's food as well. They spent the moment just eating their food and sipping their drinks, occasionally having a conversation when a topic had come up or if they remembered something from a while ago. Things like times they've scared other members, their previous times together on their days off, funny moments during their schedules, the funniest fan moments, the cutest gifts that they have received from fans and many more things that they could remember from the top of their minds. The two of them liked having these moments together as they got to just relax. Of course, there was still the chance of getting recognised by fans, but that was the risk that they often take whenever they go out together.

"How long does Knives Out go for?" Hyungwon asked.

"Two hours and ten minutes," Hoseok answered, "So, it will end around twelve forty." The younger nodded at what his boyfriend had said, making a mental note of it so that he doesn't forget it when they eventually get to the cinema. Not that he needed to remember when it finished because he would be paying his attention to the movie majority of the time, that was if Hoseok didn't distract him of course but the younger had a feeling that the older was going to distract him regardless. He'll have to find out when they get there. The two of them continued to eat and drink until what they had in front of them was completely finished, which didn't take that long. Hoseok looked at the time on his phone, seeing that it was only eight thirty. They still had two hours before the movie starts.

"It's only eight thirty," he said, "What would you like to do until ten thirty."

"Is there much that we can do until then?" the younger asked, "I don't think that there are many places that are open."

"There is the park," Hoseok responded, "We can hang out there for a bit." The younger didn't need to be told twice to agree. So, they decided to hang out at the park for a little bit.

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