Chapter Two

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Both Hoseok and Hyungwon had spent roughly ten minutes just laying in bed, cuddling before deciding to get ready to go to their favourite breakfast place. Hyungwon was the first one to have a shower and to pass the time until it's his turn, Hoseok went to pick out both his own and his boyfriend's clothes and laid them on the bed. He first decided to pick out his boyfriend's clothes since he was in the shower first. Hoseok picked out a dark red shirt, plain black underwear and black ripped jeans for his boyfriend and for himself, he picked out a plain white shirt, another pair of plain black underwear and light blue jeans that didn't have rips in them. By the time he had finished setting out the clothes on the bed, the younger male had walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"That didn't take long," Hoseok said.

"I didn't want to keep you waiting," Hyungwon answered, "And I really want to go to the breakfast place."

"Fair enough," the older responded, "I'll make sure that I don't keep you waiting. And the one with the dark red shirt is yours."

"Ok, thank you," Hyungwon thanked, as he and his boyfriend pecked each other on the lips. Hoseok got a fresh towel from the linen cupboard and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him so that he could have some privacy while showering. But he honestly didn't care if the younger walked in on him at this point as they have been together for long enough and they have lived together long enough to the point that they were comfortable with each other. He took off his pyjamas and placed them in the laundry basket that was next the bathroom sink. He took note of the fact that the laundry basket was getting overloaded with dirty clothes and pyjamas which probably hadn't been washed in days. I'll have to get to that eventually, he thought, Maybe I can put a load on before Hyungwon and I leave the house. He took a step into the shower and turned the knobs, which then allowed the water to flow from the shower head onto him and then onto the tiled floor of the shower. While Hoseok was having a shower, Hyungwon was drying himself off with the towel that was wrapped around his waist. From his head to his feet, he dried himself before picking up his underwear and pulling up to his waist, just until it covered what it was supposed to as well as when it up to his waist. The second thing that the younger put on was the black ripped jeans, putting one leg in at a time before pulling it up to his legs and above his underwear but at the same height as the underwear which was still no higher than his waist. Before he could pick up his shirt, he heard the bathroom door open and he knew that Hoseok had gotten out of the shower.

"And you said I was quick with my shower," Hyungwon joked, as he picked up his shirt and began to put it on.

"I know," the older responded, laughing a little bit, "Very contradicting, aren't I?" Hoseok waited until his boyfriend wasn't looking so that he could begin to dry himself off and dress himself. While the both of them have been dating for a while and have been living together for a while, neither of them were yet comfortable to get dressed or naked in front of each other. They respected each others boundaries and looked away when the other was naked or is about to get dressed. Hyungwon turned around and faced the wall so then the older could start drying himself off and get dressed. When Hoseok saw that his boyfriend had turned around, he began to dry himself off with the towel that was once around his waist, starting with his hair and ending with his feet. As soon as he dried himself off, he first put his underwear on and then his jeans on afterwards, making sure that everything sat comfortably before looking over at his boyfriend.

"Ok, you can look now," he stated, seeing the younger turn around.

"You still need to put your shirt on," Hyungwon replied, as he fulling turned around to face the older fully.

"I know," Hoseok said, as he picked up his shirt from the bed and began to put it on, "But at least I am not naked though." Hyungwon agreed upon his boyfriend's statement. At least his boyfriend waited to have pants on before allowing the younger to turn around. Hoseok poked his head through the head hole and his arms through the sleeves before himself and the younger picked out their shoes as well as put them on together.

"Also," Hoseok began, catching Hyungwon's attention, "I have to put on a load of laundry before we leave. The washing basket is getting full of our dirty laundry."

"Do you want some help with it?" the younger asked.

"If you want to," Hoseok answered, "You can." The two of them walked back into the bathroom and started sorting the laundry that was in the laundry basket, sorting the lights from the darks as well as the coloured clothing. They often did this together whenever they had the time and whenever they had the day off. It was more often when they are on their days off compared to every other day because of learning new choreographies, dance practices, recording sessions, fan signings and touring around the world or at certain destinations. Because of how full the laundry basket was, it took a little longer to sort it but when they did sort it, they decided to put the dark load on first. Both Hyungwon and Hoseok put the dark clothes into the washing machine and put the detergent into it, putting the washing machine on the correct settings for the load before pressing the play button. As soon as the play button was pressed, the washing machine immediately started doing it's job. Before leaving, Hoseok went to check that all the doors and windows were locked while Hyungwon went to get their face masks from the night stand that was on his side of the bed.

He opened the first drawer of the night stand and got out the face masks, closing the drawer after picking up both of the face masks. He walked out of the bedroom and waited by the front door of the house for Hoseok, which wasn't long because Hoseok walked to the front door around the same time as the younger. Hyungwon gave the older his mask and the both of them put their masks on, looking at each other as they did so.

"I think," Hoseok said, as he put his hand on the door handle, "We are now officially ready to go to our favourite breakfast place." Hoseok opened the door and stepped aside, allowing the younger to walk first which was something that he always did. It was a habit that he had stuck with him for the last few years. Hyungwon walked out of the house first and waited for the older, who had walked out after him but had his back turned because he was closing the the door as well as locking it. It was the last door that he needed to lock before they could go to the breakfast place. After he had locked the door, he held out his hand for the younger to hold, which he happily did not even a second after Hoseok had held out his hand. The two of them began to walk in the direction of their favourite breakfast place, Hyungwon being in the lead most of the way. The younger was always excited when he and Hoseok got the chance to go to their favourite breakfast place because they got a chance to relax as well as talk about anything that didn't revolve around their work. It was kind of like a 'no work talk' zone for them. That's why it was their favourite.

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