Chapter One

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(Happy early/belated/on time happy new year. I honestly don't know when this will be updated for those reading this).

Hoseok slowly opened his eyes as the sun shone through the blinds, slightly flinching at the brightness of the light. It was much brighter than he thought it was, meaning that it was later than he was expecting as well. The first thing that he did was look over beside him, still seeing a sleeping Hyungwon who was practically hugging Hoseok like a little koala. He looked so peaceful and adorable. So peaceful and adorable that the older couldn't bring himself to wake his boyfriend up. Well, it was a good thing that they had the day off from doing any vocals, learning choreographies, dance practices, interviews, practicing for shows as well as live shows and many more. The younger's head rose and fell along with Hoseok's chest, going up and down with every breath that Hoseok took. The older couldn't help but smile, finding it so adorable. He felt like he could watch Hyungwon sleep all day, but, that would be physically impossible as the younger begin to stir. It wasn't long before the younger was officially awake. Well, somewhat awake.

The younger gently rubbed his eyes before stretching his arms, back and legs, letting a weary groan escape from his lips. He stretched for roughly thirty seconds before he hugged Hoseok like a koala again, not looking up at his boyfriend until he had felt Hoseok's index finger moving his head to look up at him. A gigantic smile appeared on Hyungwon's face as he brought himself up into the sitting position, making himself face the older male. Hyungwon placed a kiss on his boyfriend's lips, gently kissing him for a solid minute before pulling away. Heat rose in Hoseok's cheeks. Even though it was common for him and the younger to kiss the first thing in the morning, it still made Hoseok blush every morning. The older brought himself up into the sitting position and turned himself to face Hyungwon, crossing his legs and holding the younger's hand's along the way.

"You know," the younger began, "I've been kissing you every time we wake up in the morning since we got together in twenty fifteen and it still makes me laugh a little that you still blush every time I do it."

"I know," Hoseok responded, "It still surprises me too. Four years, nearly five years and I'm still blushing about it. I guess it means that our love is still going strong."

"That sounds about right," Hyungwon replied, as he pecked his boyfriend's cheek, "I love you."

"I love you too," Hoseok responded. He couldn't help but think over the last four and bit years, thinking about all the memories that they had created since the day that they had debuted with the rest of Monsta X. The endless days of training, the happiness they felt when they were told that they would be debuting, the first choreograph that they were taught and ever did, releasing their debut song, when they started gaining fans both nationally and internationally, their first shows, first fan signings, their first tour, first interview, first time they were in a variety show and many more. But, more specifically, he remembered the time when Hyungwon took him to a private place in the company and given the older a speech of how he had felt about the other male, it all being said from Hyungwon's mind and heart. Hoseok could remember the genuine expression in the younger's face and the sincerity in his voice, which that in itself allowed Hoseok to say yes to Hyungwon when he had asked the question to start dating. That's where it had all started for the two of them and they had been going strong since then. They had no plan on breaking up anytime soon and their feelings for the other had not once disappeared, but only grown stronger over the last four, nearly five years that they have been together.

"What are the plans for today?" Hyungwon asked, "Since we aren't doing anything that involves a comeback."

"Well, I was thinking," Hoseok answered, "That we can go to our favourite breakfast place in a few minutes, then maybe we can go and see a movie. I have heard that there are some good movies out right now like Knives Out. And then I have no idea what we could do after the movie as I haven't really thought that far ahead." Hyungwon ran his hand through the older's hair as he spoke, listening to what some of the things that they could be doing for the day. He had immediately perked up when he heard the older mentioned their favourite breakfast place and going to see a movie. If he was being honest, Hyungwon liked the sound of starting the day with going to their favourite breakfast place and going to see a movie afterwards.

"That sounds like a good way to start the day," he responded, after a little bit of silence, "I've been wanting to see Knives Out for ages. This day off couldn't have come at a better time and don't worry, we can figure out something else to do after we go see the movies. We always figure out things to do when we aren't doing anything that revolve around promotions and comebacks or even just doing breaks in between things that do revolve around promotions and comebacks." Hoseok felt the smile that he currently still had on his face grew even wider, though it was impossible for it to go any wider as he was already expressing it. Seeing the older's smile, Hyungwon couldn't help but smile in return. He couldn't think of any other person that he rather spend the day off with.

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