Chapter Five

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Hoseok looked at what his boyfriend was looking at, confused about what he meant. From the look on Hyungwon's face, he could tell that it was something serious and it wasn't something to joke about. Hoseok read what was on the younger's phone, his mind instantly racing and going into a panic from what he was reading. He couldn't believe what he was reading and from the expression that he could see, the younger couldn't believe what he was reading either. The older male took his boyfriend's phone to take a closer look, wanting to make sure what he was reading was correct. He reread the entire thing, it being correct as the first time that he had read it. On Hyungwon's phone was an article that was just written mere minutes ago. It was filled with false Information, a bunch rumours that he knew that wasn't true. Stealing and selling possessions, did drugs as well as offered them, owed money to someone and was in a detention centre when he was in his teenage years. He knew for sure that all of that wasn't true.

"Who the hell wrote this?" Hoseok asked, trying to see if there was a named mentioned.

"And why come out with fake things?" the younger male added. As much as he was panicking, Hoseok was happy to hear that his boyfriend instantly believed him rather than buying into the lies. The older male continued to search for whoever made up the lies, eventually finding the name after what felt like an endless amount of time scrolling. 'Han Seohee'. That was a name that sounded very familiar. It took a moment before it clicked, only when it clicked did he remember the name.

"Fuck," Hoseok muttered, just loud enough for the younger male to hear.

"What?" Hyungwon asked, concern on his face, "What is it Hoseokie?"

"Look who told the lies," the older male answered, zooming on the name. Hyungwon had a lookout the name that the male was talking about, his eyes widening when he had read the name. He took his phone back and had a closer look at the name that was on the screen. He instantly recognised the name. It was the same name that had caused the controversies around Hanbin from iKON, Seunghyun from BigBang and Taehyung from BTS. Hoseok and Hyungwon knew that this wasn't good, especially since Hoseok's career was now on the line. Everything that he had worked so hard for was going to be completely wasted and pointless if it spread any further.

"We need to go back to Starship," Hyungwon stated, getting prepared to leave the cinema, "We need to tell them about what is going on."

"But what about the movie?" the older asked, though he had a feeling he already knew the answer.

"The movie can wait," Hyungwon answered, "It'll still be there tomorrow. This is more important and the company needs to know what is going on before anything more serious happens." With that, the two of them got up from their seats and made their way out of the cinema, walking down the same hallway that they had walked down moments ago. They were walking at a pace that could almost be confused with jogging as they were walking quite fast. Because of how fast they were walking, they made it out of the cinema in little time and began to make their way to Starship entertainment. The company was a little while away from the cinema, roughly six streets away. That was enough to get them to start running back to Starship as they wanted to get there as soon as possible. They were aware that the fact that they were running made them seem suspicious, though in the current moment, they didn't care about the people around them. They just needed to get back to the company and tell what they had just found out themselves. At the pace that they were running at, they made it back to Starship within a matter of minutes, entering through the front doors without any hesitation.

Anyone that was in the company building, regardless of where they stood, definitely heard them entering the building. That didn't matter to them as they continued walking towards the office room of where their boss often was. This was the one time that their boss was in his office because if he wasn't, Hoseok was going to be more stressed out than he already was. Both Hyungwon and Hoseok walked down the hallway, ignoring any person that was down the same hallway. It wasn't that they wanted to ignore them when normally they would greet them, but they didn't have the time at the moment. They eventually arrived at the boss's office, knocking on the door and only entering when they heard their boss saying 'come in'. Hyungwon walked in first while the older immediately walked in behind him. The worried looks on their faces instantly transferred to their boss, Kim Shidae.

"What's wrong?" Shidae asked, looking at the both of them, "What's going on? Did something happen?"

"Yes, something did happen," Hoseok answered, as the younger got his phone out, "And it's not good."

"What is it?" Shidae questioned, "What was it that happened?"

"I can show you sir," Hyungwon answered, showing his boss what he had shown Hoseok earlier. The boss took Hyungwon's phone and read the same article that they had read mere moments ago. It was silent between the three of them, there being absolute no sound being created in the office or outside of the office. The expression that once was worry turned to slight anger and frustration, not able to believe what he was reading. He gave Hyungwon his phone back, immediately going to his computer that he had in front of him.

"Let me handle this," Shidae stated, "I'll organise some sort of legal team to handle this."

"Thank you, sir," both Hyungwon and Hoseok thanked, leaving the office once they were assured. Of course, there was still some worry that they felt, but that had dulled slightly. Knowing now that the legal team were going to get involved, or at least they hoped that they were going to get involved. They walked out of the office, Hyungwon being the one to close the door behind them. Hoseok had a look at the time on his phone, seeing that the movie that they had planned to watch had started moments ago.

"Well," he said, "The movie started twenty minutes ago. If we go now, we can still watch the rest of it if you like."

"We can watch it another day," Hyungwon responded, "This is more important. It will still be in the cinema by the end of the week. I'm sure this will be sorted by the end of the week." He wasn't completely sure that it be sorted by the end of the week, but he did have some hope that it would be sorted soon.

"Ok, if you are sure about it," the older replied, taking his boyfriend's hand, "We can watch a movie in the dorm, on Netflix if you like." The younger didn't hesitate to agree as it was better than doing nothing and wondering if the situation was going to blow over. The two of them made their way back to their dorm that they had lived in for the past four years. Because they were slightly relaxed, anyone that was in the hallway was greeted by them in their usual cheery way. They walked down the hallway that they had been down many moments ago, just until they had arrived back at their dorm. Hoseok opened the door and allowed the younger to walk in first, a habit that he had gotten since the two of them began to date. Hyungwon walked into the dorm after thanking his boyfriend, making his way over to the bed. The older went to the bed as well, picking up his computer along the way. They hoped that it would all be over soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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