Chapter one: Ignorance might not be bliss

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"What the hell?" Skye opened her eyes, a hand darting to her head when she felt a throbbing pain.

Squinting through the aggressive headache, she looked around to find that she was in a long corridor of what looked like an office building.

"Where the hell am I?" She tried to stand but fell back down at the sudden darkness crowding her vision.

"Nope. Not a good idea." She realised as she tucked her head between her legs to quell the nausea.

After sitting for a minute to let her vision return to normal she tried to stand again, this time successfully.

Leaning against the wall for support she looked around the seemingly abandoned hallway wondering how she got there.

The last thing she could remember was playing battleship with Ward after he had come back, both mentally and physically, from his time with Lorelai.

So that posed the question of how she got from the bus to being alone in a run down office building in the middle of nowhere.

A loud noise that sounded like a gunshot followed by voices came from her left.

So I might not be entirely alone, she thought.

An explosion rang throughout the floor, the shockwaves sending her back to her starting position on the ground.

"Definitely not alone." She decided.

Getting back up again she ran as fast as she could to where she thought she had heard the voices.

She rounded a corner and came face to face with Coulson and Ward...

Who was beating some guy up.

"Guys?" She called out to them.

Coulson turned to face her and Wards head snapped up at her voice.

"Skye?" Coulson started to walk towards her but she beat him to it, running to hug him.

She let go of him after a moment then wrapped her arms around Wards waist as well.

He stiffened, something that generally happened when people made contact with him so she didn't question it.

What she did question however was the look on Coulson and Wards face when she let go.

"What?" She frowned, wondering why Coulson looked like she had just turned green and grown antennae.

"Seriously, what? Is there something on my face?" She reached for her phone to look at her reflection but after patting both pockets couldn't find it.

"Where the hell is my phone?" She muttered.

"Skye, are you feeling ok?" Coulson asked.

Other than the worsening pain in her head she felt fine "I guess so. Why?"

"Not that I don't like the change of heart, but...why the hug?" Ward questioned, his eyes never leaving hers.

"Sor-ry," She said sarcastically, holding her hands up "Forgot the robot no likey touch."

"Robot?" Ward said under his breath. His eyes suddenly held understanding and he reached his hand out to her head "Skye did you hit your head?"

She stepped out of his reach "What? No! Don't touch the hair," she said jokingly, she herself reaching up to touch her hair. She froze, her eyes going wide.

"Guys? When the hell did I get bangs? Did someone cut my hair when I was unconscious or something? What the hell? It's so short, do you know how long it took to grow it?" She whined, completely confused about the state of her hair.

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