Chapter eight: Octopus hugs

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After his talk with Gonzales, which he thought went really well, he was permitted to leave the cage.

He was taken to May who to anyone else must have looked unperturbed. But he saw past the carefully crafted mask to the worry.

"Coulson," she nodded "I take it that negotiations with Gonzales went well?"

"I'm not wearing handcuffs so I'll that it as a win. And yes, he agreed with my plan to take down the Hydra base."

"What plan?" She asked, narrowing her eyes.

"I'll tell you. But I get the feeling you'll be even less impressed than Gonzales."

After he caught her up she stared at him in silence.

"You like it don't you? I knew you'd like it."

"It's insane Phil."

"I figured you'd say that."

"But it might work."

He raised an eyebrow "Didn't think you'd say that."

"The decoy plane is a good idea but the fall will be rough if we want them to believe that we're debris." She told him, more to herself, calculating everything in her head.

"As long as we're alive when we reach the ground I think we can handle some turbulence." He agreed, relieved that she was considering it.

She looked at him, hesitant. Then she nodded "Ok. When do you want to leave?" She asked, gesturing for him to follow her.

"I have to admit I thought you would take more convincing so I'm a little caught off guard," he half joked, catching up to her "But the sooner the better. We'll need to pick up Skye and Ward."

"That's another problem we need to discuss." She sent him a glare.

"Believe me, it wasn't my first choice either. But Skye seems even more attached to him now than she was before. And I'm not going to be the one to take him away from her again."

"As soon as her memory is back he's gone." She said, silently agreeing that it was best that he stayed with them for now.

"Agreed. But the question is," he looked at her "where?"

"A Maximum security prison would be my favourite option. Well," she returned his look "second favourite." She said, her voice dark.

Coulson wasn't surprised by May's unsaid threat. She wanted him dead.

And he couldn't blame her because a part of him did too. But every time he thought of his former specialists lifeless body it was followed by the accompanying image of a sobbing Skye, devastated at the death of her friend and teammate. A death she wouldn't understand.

No, he couldn't support the violent desires of his colleagues nor the ones he himself had.

Not for now at least. Even then, the idea of the man in prison instead of a grave certainly sat better with his conscience.

"How are Fitz and Simmons?" He asked, changing the subject slightly.

"Simmons is doing fine, just happy that Fitz is back. Fitz was given the all clear to roam the base by Gonzales just before you were, so he asked to be taken to Simmons," she filled him in.

"Good. Hunter?"

"Currently being dressed down by Morse. They might be divorced but they don't act like it."

He smirked "He's been a good asset. I'm going to ask him to join our rescue team."

"Good call. Despite his personality he seems competent."

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