Chapter ten: Precariously balanced

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Coulson and May lead him to the briefing room, coming to a stop behind the large table in the centre of the room.

He looked around and made note of who was there. Fitzsimmons, the agent who had been with Coulson and Fitz on the plane, Hunter his name was. Agent Morse who he had the pleasure of meeting at the bus terminal a few weeks back, and an Agent he hadn't met before who looked as though he could bench press a small tank.

He wanted to greet Fitz and Simmons again but knew it was a wiser move to keep his mouth shut. From the glares he was receiving he doubted it would be appreciated.

"Ok listen up," Coulson called to get everyone's attention "Before Skye gets back I need everyone's guarantee that not a word will be said about the events that took place last year. She knows about the fall of shield but not who played a major roll in it," his eyes drifted to Ward "And, as much as it pains me to say this, I need you all to act normal around Ward," when his name was mentioned he felt everyone in the room turn their stares on him "So if you have any burning hatred you want to get out, now would be the time."

Ward ground his teeth together, annoyed that they couldn't just get on with the mission. They would have what they wanted and he would be away from Skye soon enough of her own accord, why couldn't they just let him do his job?

It's not your job anymore, the thought entered his head and he became even more frustrated. Mainly because he knew it was the truth.

At the silence and prolonged glares aimed at Ward Coulson figured no one was ready to go there with the arguments yet. He just hoped they would wait until the mission was over.

"Nothing? Ok, good. So we're all agreed. Carrying on as normal until told otherwise. Great."

"What's great?" Skye asked, coming into the room and braiding her wet hair.

"Ward has intel on the base so we'll know exactly what we're walking into." Coulson said quickly "We had been using the video feed from Mike's eye but it went dead around five hours ago."

Skye shivered and her first thought was the blame it on the boiling hot shower she had just come out of, the cold air of the briefing room a stark contrast. But in the back of her mind she knew it was at the thought of what could have been done to Mike. She ignored the feeling and tried to keep it together for his sake.

"You have intel on a hydra base? How'd you manage that?" She looked up at Ward, frowning.

"Remember the Agent I told you about that turned out to be Hydra?" At her nod he continued "He told his contact that I was hydra too, so now I have a man on the inside."

"Nice!" She praised him and hit his chest lightly with the back of her hand "If you always being so resourceful wasn't useful it would be annoying."

"Thanks," he felt uncomfortable lying but knew it was necessary at this point in time.

"Ok then Ward. Share your intel from your 'friend'." Coulson gestured to the screen, unable to keep the light sarcasm out of his tone.

Ward cleared his throat and went to pull up information he had been sent from his contact "Sunil Bakshi," he pulled up a picture of a dark haired man "A hydra asset, stationed at the Arctic base. He's been communicating using Hydra's old text channels," he then swiped the table and another image appeared "He sent a layout of the whole base, an estimated number of guards and the number of gifteds taken captive." He explained, trying to ignore the muted but nevertheless still hateful looks from the team.

Minus Skye of course. Her hateful looks wouldn't come until later.

"How many guards are there?" Morse asked.

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