Chapter six: Different beginnings

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Hunter looked at Coulson, checking for any signs that the man was mad.

If Coulson was coherent he would follow him into just about anything, plan or no plan.

But this seemed crazy even to him.

The man was being hunted and he wanted to turn himself in with the hope that a truce could be made.

Hunter looked around, trying to remember what trees looked like before he was most likely imprisoned for the rest of his life because Coulson trusted that everyone had good intentions deep down.

"I'm not sure at all actually."

Brilliant, Hunter sighed.

"Then why are we doing this?"

"Because there's no other way. And I can't sit around and wait for those people, including one of our own, to be slaughtered by Hydra in the worst way imaginable."

"Alright, that's one reason," Hunter admitted reluctantly "But you really think Gonzales will have the same attitude?"

"I'm betting on it."

Hunter quickly looked to Fitz for confirmation that this was a good idea as after all, he had known him the longest out of the two of them. He nodded.

"Then let's do this."

Coulson made a call, one to local law enforcement as an anonymous do-gooder, that he had witnessed a wanted fugitive at the park they currently sat in knowing that Shield, or at least Gonzales' Shield, would intercept the call.

"Now we wait."

It turned out that they didn't have to wait for very long.

Agents Morse and McKenzie were the first to their location, followed by a group of armed agents.

"Hey Bob," Hunter greeted his ex-wife, to which she sent him a look he interpreted as 'I'll deal with you later'.

"It's over Coulson," Morse said, gun trained on him.

"Actually, I'm hoping it's just beginning," he, along with Fitz and Hunter, put his hands up "Take me to your leader."






"But why not?"

"Because it's too dangerous."

"It's ice cream."

"In a building with security cameras." He argued his reason for not wanting to go into the all night ice cream parlour in a rest area along the highway they were walking along.

"Every camera has a blind spot," she argued right back "And come on, you know no one will find us here, we're in the middle of nowhere."

He sighed "Skye-"

"In and out, I promise. We'll get the ice cream in take out tubs and go." She pleaded.

He looked between the ice cream parlour, that could very well lead to their arrest or death, and her face looking at him with hope.

He couldn't stop thinking that if he didn't owe her, and it really was last year, his pull as her superior would take over and he would have no issue with pulling her away and feeling not an ounce of guilt.

But he knew that would be a lie. He had given in to her more times than he cared to admit during his time as her S.O.

"Fine," he relented.

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