Chapter nineteen: Stand-ish off

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The prison was bleak.

As is the case with most prisons, but there was something especially unsettling about this one.

A thought that Hunter voiced "Are we sure this is the place? I mean, even a psychotic murderer like Standish would find this off putting,"

"It's probably just cause it's abandoned." Fitz pointed out, ever logical.

"I'm sure I'd feel the same even if there was a rave going on in there," he looked up at the roof and shrugged "It could probably be a good party location if we spruced it up a bit actually. A few spot lights here, a fully loaded bar there. We could market it as one of those themed clubs. Call it 'the ball and chain,'" he held his palms up to the building and separated them in an arch as though painting his vision.

Bobbi stared at him in disbelief "You're seriously making business plans? You said the place was creepy two seconds ago."

"It shouldn't concern you love, we're not married anymore. It wouldn't be your investment."

She rolled her eyes.

Ward stepped out of the car, removing his sunglasses as the remnants of the sun rays splashed shades of orange and red across the horizon.

He had to agree with Hunter. The building had all the makings of a horror movie. He looked up at the towering building, trying to carry out a risk assessment. It certainly looked like it was empty but he figured that was the point. Why would anyone ever look for a former neurosurgeon here?

Why would anyone look for anyone here?

He heard Skye's boots land on the gravel as she jumped out of the car and turned to check on her "You ok?"

She nodded. It was colder in the shadow cast by the prison. She found it unnerving that if she stepped a few feet to the left she would be warm again. Like the ground of the building itself was soaking up all the warmth in their surroundings.

"Why can't the bad guys secret lairs ever be in 5 star hotels?"

He smirked "Probably cause it's harder to bring kidnapping victims through the revolving doors,"

She shook her head, laughing. She hated the feeling of vulnerability she had felt ever since she had been told that these psychos were killing people like her. But this new Ward... he was making her feel like all of this was normal. He was making her feel less alone.

She couldn't believe it had only been a few days of memory she was missing out on. Because this wasn't the same supervising officer of hers that was distant and sulking. Sure, he still had a sense of detachment about him but it was different. This wasn't the same Ward who had left her to deal with the aftermath of her mistake with Miles. She wasn't sure if it was due to the fact that he was the sole person who knew of her secret or if he had been replaced by a doppelgänger but the man beside her now wouldn't leave her alone with her problems. He would make them his problems too.

She was grateful beyond words.

So she supposed actions would have to do for now. She stepped forward and took his hand in hers.

A dent appeared between his eyebrows as he looked down at their hands. But despite this, his own acted on instinct and threaded his fingers through hers as he searched her eyes in a silent question.

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