Chapter sixteen: Kedgeree

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"Thank you," Simmons smiled at Isaac who handed her a piece of equipment.

They had taken the poor woman's body back to the local stations lab and she had begun the process of retrieving the quantity of blood she needed that would be sufficient to run some tests. She had taken a few vials of blood and began the toxicology report but the sort of tests she was running now would normally take weeks to get the results back from. Of course they didn't have weeks and by now she was used to getting things done in an impossible time span.

However, there was only so much she could do. If the drug was one that was only present in the blood for a short period of time then it was gone and they wouldn't know what it had been until an opportunity presented itself again to retrieve fresher blood.

"What are you looking for now?" She jumped, almost dropping the slide she was holding.

Isaac had spoken from directly behind her, so close his voice had sounded deafening, especially in the silent room.

He was beginning to get on her nerves. Actually that was a lie. He had gotten on her nerves quite some time ago, now she was at the point where even she had to say something.

Politely, of course.

She turned around, coming face to face with the forensic scientist.

Taking off her safety glasses she smiled briskly "Isaac-"

"Yes?" He interrupted, an eager expression on his face.

"Isaac," she started again "While I appreciate all your help so far I really think it would be better if I continued the analysis independently."

"Of course,"

He made no move to leave.

"As in, just me," he still didn't move "Alone. On my own."

God, did she have to spell it out for him?

Understanding dawned on his face and she smiled.

"Oh, understood," he smiled then whispered conspiratorially "It's the officer at the door isn't it? Is he bothering you? I can ask him to leave, no problem."

The smile vanished from her lips rather quickly.

She took a breath.

Let's try this again.

"No, not quite. What I meant was-"

The door opened just then and she nearly combusted in pure relief at seeing Fitz make his way in.

"Isaac, was it?" He asked the man.

"Yes?" He adjusted his glasses.

"Your Lieutenant is asking for you."

His face paled and he coughed "Oh. Right. Ok then. I'm sorry I'll have to leave you Agent Simmons. I'll come back as soon as I-"

"No need," Simmons cut in "My partner is very proficient in the use of all the equipment in this lab. So please, carry on with your normal duties."

In other words: Bugger off.

"Right then," he turned to leave, pausing to look back at Fitz and Simmons then moved quickly to the doors.

When he disappeared through them Fitz smiled "Thought I could be of assistance,"

She smiled, overwhelming fondness filling her "You most definitely can. In more than just scientific matters," she winced "He wouldn't stop talking and asking questions, it was like working with a three year old only significantly less cute."

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