2| Aria Meets Boys

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A FEW DAYS PAST, and after some intense motivation from Aria, Riley worked up enough courage to swap phone numbers with Lucas.

Now, texting was all they did to communicate with each other.

Aria was currently standing by the lockers beside her sister and Maya reading Nancy Drew: The Sign of the Twisted Candles when she saw Lucas sit down on the bench out of the corner of her eye.

She looked up, expecting her sister to go over and talk to him, but instead, Riley quickly pulled out her phone to text him.

"Talk to him." Maya ordered.

"Why? We have a great text relationship." Riley gushed.

"You know what's better than a text relationship?" Aria asked with a raised eyebrow.


"Talk to him." Maya and Aria deadpanned in unison.

"He's right over there." Maya complained.

"No! Too complicated over there. Lots can go wrong over there. The only thing that can go wrong over here is if I go over there."

Aria closed her book and stared pointedly at her sister, while Maya pointed in the direction of Lucas. Riley sighed, gave her books and phone to her best friend, and walked over to where Lucas was sitting, completely distracted by his phone.

However, instead of sitting beside him and attempting to start an actual conversation, Riley went behind the bench and attempted to say 'hi' twice and 'hello' once, but absolutely no sound left her mouth.

Riley looked over at her twin and best friend with a frown, but Maya shook her head and mouthed, "Talk to him."

She nodded, but once again, couldn't muster up any actual words. So instead, Riley sniffed the back of his neck and walked over to Aria and Maya with a wide smile on her face.

"How'd I do?" Riley asked.

"You smelled him." Aria gaped.

"Yup." Riley said happily.

"You smelled him is what you did." Maya said, just as shocked as Aria.

Riley let out a content sigh and held her books close to her chest, "I walk through life, the way I walk through life."

"Can we please talk about this?" Maya begged.

Riley just opened her phone and started typing while walking into their classroom. Seconds later, both Aria and Maya got a text and pulled out their phones.



THE LESSON FOR HISTORY CLASS THAT WEEK WAS ON TECHNOLOGY, so to start the class, Cory held up his phone before saying, "You guys don't connect with each other. It's like you can't exist without these. You use emoticons rather than emotions. You're an unfeeling generation of zombies."

Aria watched as Riley and Maya started imitating zombies and eating each other.

"Stop eating her." Cory commanded, then turned to the door where one of his students entered.

"You're late, Miss Myzell."

"My goldfish died." She responded flatly.

Cory took her lack of emotion as an example and turned to the rest of his students, "You see? This is what I'm talking about. Miss Myzell has clearly suffered a tragic loss. Yet, she does not seem in touch with her actual emotions!"

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