Chapter two

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Bayley's POV
I was walking home from school until a limo pulled up to me and I was confused until the door opened, "Hey Bay, why the long face?" Sasha said as she got out of the limo, "Here come over to my house, we can talk there." She said as she grabbed my hand, "alright hold on let me just text my parents." I say as I typed up the quick text, 'hey mom and dad I'm safe and out of school, I'm heading over to my friend Sasha's house.' I texted the message to them and once we arrived at Sasha's house my mouth dropped, it's enormous. "Bay bay, welcome to the banks house." Sasha said as we pulled up and she dragged me up the stairs into the huge mansion, where we were greeted by a butler and three maids, "Hello Ms Banks, brought a guest I see." He said as we were greeted by a corgi who instantly gave me kisses. "Bay c'mon let's go upstairs." Sasha says as we headed up the gold stairs, "So, what do you think bay?" My mouth was fully on the ground at how amazing her room looked and how much money this must have cost billions of dollars. "So bay, tell me, any crushes?" Sasha asks with big eyes, "Well I don't know, how are you and Seth?" I ask as she blushes, "Well tomorrow night he's gonna have dinner with me and my family." Sasha says smiling, "Well that's exciting." I say as she smiles and nods but then we were interrupted by Sasha's phone ringing, "Oh it's...Rebecca." Bayley instantly freaked out and hid.

Becky's POV
"Hey girl." I say to Sasha as she was just now sitting down, "Hey, so anything new going on for you?" I thought about telling her that me and Charlotte started dating, but I won't tell her now, "No, how are things with Seth?" I ask as we then get into the whole girl talk but as we were talking I couldn't help but think about that Bayley kid, I'll admit she's pretty cute but Charlotte has my heart. "Well girl I heard my parents car pull up in the parking lot, call you later." She said as she hangs up.

Sasha's POV
I race downstairs with Bayley following behind me, my mom and dad smile up at me and her, "Sorry we took so long sweetie, that Lamborghini made us wanna go for a spin. And who is this?" My parents asked as they pointed at Bayley, "Mom, Dad, this is Bayley my new best friend." I say smiling and my nparents give a hug to Bayley, "Well Bayley, would you like to stay for dinner, we're having some pasta truffle." My parents asked as I set up the table and Bayley nodded, "So how did you guys get so rich if you don't mind me asking." She ask as my parents replied, "We were both real estate agents for 18 years until we had our baby girl Sasha then both became investment bankers." I was shocked those jobs make so much money, this must have taken years to buy, "So Bayley, are you staying for dinner?" My mom asks as she we're watching the professional chef make dinner, "Yes Mrs. Banks."

Narrative POV
Little did Bayley know that Becky was actually heading over to Sasha's house, Becky was upset. Bayley and Sasha were having a great time.

As Becky arrived at the mansion, she looked through the window and was pissed. She headed inside the house and stomped up the stairs, and headed inside Sasha's room. "Oh hey Becks."  Sasha said as Becky was fuming, "I'm gonna go Sash." Bayley said as Becky was just staring at them angrily, Bayley headed out of the house and yet wondered why Rebecca hated her.

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