Chapter 2

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Look who updated!

✨M E !✨

a/n: This chapter took a long time to write, very sorry about that. I was researching hospital visits, but couldn't find much, so I kinda lost motivation. Fortunately, I had to go to an appointment, so I could at least have something to base it off of. Is it inaccurate? Yea probably, but then again, this is fanfiction, and it's also elmore sooo...

Just as the rest of Nicole's family pulled in through the driveway, Nicole snuck Rob outside, wrapping him up in a soft blanket for extra warmth. No one saw her get into the car, and no one questioned where it went either.

"Are you doing ok back there?" she asked, looking in the rear mirror. Rob gave her a weak smile.

Nicole parked near the hospital, securly locking her car and guiding the sick teen into the hospital.

"Sit right here while I tell them we're here." she comforted. Rob wrapped himself up into the blanket further, bringing his knees to his chest.

After Nicole returned and they waited for their turn to come, a sweet, elderly celery stick greeted them and took them into a hallway that smelled of hand sanitizer.

"Can you step on this platform for me?" the vegetable asked, pointing to a small grey rectangular object on the floor.

"What is it?" Rob asked.

"It's a weight, it's ok, just do what she says." Nicole pushed him further. Rob stepped on the scale, watching as the numbers on the tiny screen in front of him went from zero to 97.3.

"Hmmm..." the woman hummed, writing something on her clipboard, "and can you stand over here?"

Rob followed her finger, in front of him was a long, white ruler positioned against the wall.

"Um...:" he looked at the woman.

"Put your back against the wall, and stand up straight," she grinned, rob did as she said, "push your heels back too."

Rob looked up, watching as the woman placed a book over his head, "you can step away now."

Next to him, Nicole yawned. She seemed a little stressed.

'Is it because of me!?' Rob pondered, a knot forming in his chest. The pressure made him wince. He was so, so very tired. He knew he didn't get much sleep, but he got enough...right?

"This way rob." Nicole brought him back to reality, gently pushing him down the hall and into a room. The rest of the moment was a blur. Nicole talked to the nurse, the nurse talked back, and Rob just sat there. This experience was new, and scary. What if they took him into a dark room, and made him tell everyone the knowledge of the world.

Come to think of it, Rob realized that he knew a lot about canadian history.

And how to make a really good monologue.

Soon after The women left, A band aid Entered The room, Instructing Rob to sit On a, In the boy's opinion, very odd chair covered with paper.

'well Now I just feel Stupid!'

"So," the doctor began, "how's school?"

Rob gulped, not frightened Because Of the strange Circularobject Being placed On his chest, but bbecausehe hadn't Been to school Since he had gotten amnesia.

"'s Fun!" he nodded, growing Tense as the object was then run over His back. Rob hated his bad posture...he had tried to stand up straight Before, but it had never Worked.

"that's good to, rob. Do you have any Concerns?" The doctor Placed the device down, And began To hit a spot Just under Rob's Knees. The teen watched in Awe as his foot kicked A bit Of the space in front of him from the impact.

"I'm...not that Good at....she can tell you." he shuttered, pointing over to nicole.

The doctor looked over to her, fixing his gloves.

"Do you have any concerns ma'am?"

"Well, yes, " Nicole tightened her grip on her purse, "he's been vomiting recently, has headaches and a really watery eye...i'm just not sure what is going on with him."

"Well, do you know of any allergies he has?" the band aid asked her.

"AVOCADOS! I'm allergic to those..." Rob interrupted, laughing. Nicole sighed in relief, she only had known the boy had been hiding in their house for less than a day...she would have never known anything like that.

(the allergy is not canon, but i thought it would add a nice touch for later in the story)

"Hmmm, ok, so it may be an allergic reaction, but I do need more details. Now, its pretty obvious that he is underweight for his age and height. Different species of cyclops have different types of body shapes that are common to their specific race. What I don't understand is that he doesn't actually look like any cyclops ive ever seen. The vomiting may be a reaction to the lack of vitamins."

"So he's malnourished?" the feline questioned, glancing over to the boy.

"Yes, I suggest having him eat foods with vitamin b-3, vegetables, fruits, and whole grain. Some fish are great foods as well." he explained. "Now the watery eye...i unfortunately cannot tell what is causing it. I suggest you watch for other symptoms, that should clear things up a bit."

"Thank you doctor..."

-a/n: I think my writing style is worse in the second chapter than the first.

I do know that the story will get better after the rest of the wattersons learn of rob's presence as another resident of the family.

Anyway, have a nice day!

801 words.

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