Ch. 8

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You and kiba looked at each other in shock, "is this how we get found out" you thought to yourself.
Kiba: you're just imagining things because you haven't seen us in a while
Kiba said annoyed looking towards sasuke's direction
Naruto: no I don't think that's it
Naruto said still trying to figure it out what was different
Sasuke: you two are dating aren't you
Sasuke said as naruto looked at both me and kiba in shock
Naruto: that has to be it, you're right sasuke just look at them
(Y/n): you're just imagining things, you both are
You say while the three of them argue about who's right. When the four of you come across a man who's standing under a tree who was wearing a hat and a mask to cover his face
(Y/n): I think that man is the guy we have to escort
You say as the three of them look towards the mans direction
Kiba: yeah you're right he's in the same place we were told he'd meet us
The four of you went on your way through the woods when kiba spoke up
Kiba: we're being followed
Sasuke: he's right I've noticed them too
You all stop and stay hidden when 8 men come into view
Man 1: they were right in front of us just a second ago we can't lose them
The man shouts at the others before they all continue to head in the direction you all were originally heading. You all come out from hiding to talk about a plan.
(Y/n): we could probably take them down if we come up from behind
Sasuke: that will never work they will hear us coming before we even have them in our sights
Kiba: no (y/n) is right if we all work together it will be easy
Sasuke: you don't know what you're talking about kiba
Sasuke say angrily while naruto just looks back and forth lost in confusion
Kiba: well I don't know anyone more skilled in battle than (y/n) so I will take her word over yours
(Y/n): you guys we gotta come up with a plan fast before they realize we aren't ahead of them
Mysterious man: the young girl is right sooner or later
Kiba: see even the guy who hired us thinks she's right
You look at the man and begin to think to yourself about why that voice seems so familiar
Sasuke: fine (y/n) what's your plan
Sasuke asks snapping you out of thoughts
(Y/n): oh right, if we send a group of shadow clones of us as a decoy then the real us could catch the off guard, while the clones lead them to a spot we want them we'll be right behind them and have them right where we want them, sasuke you and naruto do that cute little jutsu you guys do together then me kiba you and akamaru use fang over fang while I make it rain fire
You say explaining to the three of them making sure naruto isn't lost or confused by the plan
Mysterious man: that's a good plan I think you boys should stick with it
Sasuke: I admit that's a great plan (y/n) so good it might actually work out

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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